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CDC estimates 1.7 million gay and bisexual men are at highest risk of monkeypox

CDC estimates 1.7 million gay and bisexual men are at highest risk of monkeypox
CDC estimates 1.7 million gay and bisexual men are at highest risk of monkeypox


The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that around 1.7 million men who have sex with men currently face the greatest threat from monkeypox.

Gay and bisexual men who are HIV-positive or who are taking a drug called PREP to reduce their chances of contracting HIV, CDC director Rochelle Wallenski said at a press conference Thursday. He said he faces the biggest health risk from monkeypox.

“This is the population that we are most focused on in terms of vaccination,” said Wallenski.

The United States has so far secured 1.1 million doses of Jynneos, a two-dose vaccine, according to the Department of Health and Human Services. According to HHS, the federal government has distributed more than 600,000 doses of the vaccine since May.

The Food and Drug Administration approved Jynneos in 2019 for adults 18 and older who are at high risk for smallpox or monkeypox. Her Jynneos, manufactured by Danish biotech company Bavarian Nordic, is the only licensed monkeypox vaccine in the United States.

Wallenski acknowledged last month that demand for the vaccine has outstripped supply, creating long lines outside clinics in many cities. Sexual health clinics serving the LGBTQ community say vaccination campaigns should be expanded to everyone who believes they are at risk of contracting monkeypox to control the outbreak.

“What we really want to do is make sure everyone who wants it is vaccinated,” said Dr. Ward Carpenter, co-director of health services at the Los Angeles LGBT Center. Prescription for antiviral treatment.

“We’re not even close to it yet. We’re really trying to focus on those who need it most and are most at risk. But that’s not a successful public health strategy.” said Carpenter.

Monkeypox is spread primarily by gay and bisexual men through skin-to-skin contact during sexual intercourse, according to public health officials. About 98 percent of patients who provided demographic information to the clinic were identified as men who have sex with men, according to the CDC. However, public health officials have repeatedly emphasized that anyone can become infected through physical contact with an infected person or through contaminated items such as bed sheets and towels.

However, as the infection spreads, the risk of the virus starting to spread more widely increases. At least two of her children in the United States have contracted monkeypox, likely due to familial transmission, according to the CDC.

“We are currently trying to contain this disease in people who have it,” Carpenter said. It’s an opportunity to do that, if this gets out of that community, people completely lose the ability to contain this,” he said.

The United States has confirmed more than 6,600 monkeypox cases in 48 states, Washington DC and Puerto Rico as of Thursday, according to the CDC. The actual number of infected people may be higher. A person can only be tested for the virus after he has a rash, and in some cases he can take a week or more. The clinician will swab the rash and take a sample for testing.

Monkeypox is rarely fatal and no deaths have ever been reported in the United States. However, patients may suffer debilitating pain from the rash caused by the virus.




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