Monkeypox seems to be rampant in both Oregon and the US
We have good news and bad news about the latest global health emergency. Here’s everything we know about the current state of the public health response.
Portland, Oregon — I have good news and bad news. monkeypoxThe good news: it’s not as contagious as COVID-19, which is airborne and highly contagious. Also, it’s not that serious.So far, there have been no deaths from monkeypox in the United States.
The bad news: it’s extremely painful and can aggravate an infection. Anyone can catch it only in a very specific way. At this point, doctors expect monkeypox to linger in the area for months, possibly years.
According to the CDC, monkeypox belongs to the same virus family as smallpox, but is much less severe and nearly non-fatal.It was first discovered 1958. It was first identified in monkeys, but some researchers believe it actually originated in rodents.
The first human case of monkeypox was documented in 1970. Before 2022, monkeypox was reported in several African countries.Earlier this year, it began spreading to other countries around the world, including the United States.
There are now more than 31,000 monkeypox cases worldwide, with the majority occurring in historically unspread locations.
There are now about 11,000 cases in the United States, and Oregon had 95 confirmed cases as of Friday afternoon. Of those cases, 57 were in Multnomah County. In Washington state he has 251 confirmed cases.
The majority of Oregon cases are male. She is the only female case of monkeypox in the state.
Doctors say monkeypox is mainly spread through prolonged skin-to-skin contact. Sexual transmission is currently the most common, but it can also be transmitted through skin-to-skin contact.
Monkeypox is rarely fatal, but it’s not an infection to take lightly either.
“Monkeypox can start with fever, pain, and a sore throat. But it can also start with a rash or sore. The rash often looks like a pimple or a blister at first.” Oregon Department of Health .
“The rash eventually hardens and can be very painful,” Sidelinger continued. Avoid close skin-to-skin contact and talk to your healthcare provider, or call 211 if you don’t have one.”
There is a lot of misinformation circulating about how monkeypox spreads. Doctors say they are now seeing the highest number of cases among gay and bisexual men in both Oregon and the United States.
“This means that anyone can get monkeypox and it’s not a gay disease,” Sidelinger said. “But as we shared earlier, this is not an easily transmitted disease. The most common means of human-to-human transmission is through prolonged skin-to-skin contact with a monkeypox patient. Including direct contact with rashes, scabs, or bodily fluids.This is the type of contact that occurs during sexual activity.
“Although much less commonly, the virus can also be spread by touching objects, fabrics or surfaces used by a monkeypox patient, or by coming into contact with the respiratory secretions of a monkeypox patient. These routes include: It is much less common than the cutaneous route of transmission: skin contact with a monkeypox patient.”
Advocates for the LGBTQ community say there is a lack of urgency from health officials in making information, tests, vaccines and treatments available for those most affected. says he fears it will soon become a major problem.
“OHA and [community-based organizations] The Equi Institute, Cascade AIDS Project, Pride Northwest and others are sounding alarm bells and concerned about the federal government’s lack of urgency,” said Katie Cox. Equi Laboratory“Would its urgency look different if it hadn’t affected historically marginalized communities? Could we have learned nothing from the AIDS epidemic?”
“I’ve heard straight people say, ‘Don’t worry about it because it doesn’t affect you,'” Cox continued. “At this point, it’s not if, but when it will start affecting other communities. Only gay, bisexual, queer men, and trans people are allowed to have skin-to-skin contact or have sex with multiple partners.” It’s not just about doing… Check out the World Naked Bike Ride that just happened.
Oregon Governor Kate Brown also took part in this, issuing the following statement:
“This country has a ugly history of ignoring diseases that primarily affect the LGBTQ+ community. I remember the early days of the HIV epidemic. It didn’t seem to work, and it took years to get there.There was a general perception that HIV, like all viruses, spreads indiscriminately.”
Brown called on the federal government to speed up the delivery of vaccines and treatments and to take steps to help people protect themselves.
There is a vaccine for monkeypox, but it is not readily available. Supply is limited at the moment. Health officials say they are doing what they can to spread the disease, including giving one dose instead of the two prescribed, and they are doing what they can to spread the disease, rather than vaccinating the general public and targeting high-risk groups. We give priority to those who belong to us.
Oregon has received 6,800 vaccines to date and distributed just over 2,000 of them.
What if I think I have monkeypox? As Sidelinger said, call your primary care doctor, or if he doesn’t have one, call 211. You will have a test and the test will include wiping off the rash and soreness.The test will take him 1-3 days to come out.
People with sores or rashes should cover them and avoid touching them. Doctors say they need to be in isolation until all wounds begin to crust and disappear.
There is one cure for monkeypox. This is a drug called tecovirimat, sold under the brand name Tpoxx. However, this drug, like a vaccine, is currently very difficult to obtain.
Oregon health officials say there are currently no cases of monkeypox among children in the state. However, with schools reopening soon, officials are discussing how they will handle any cases that may arise. said.
“Young children, or children in the care of parents or caregivers who have monkeypox at home, are at risk of transmission,” Seidlinger said. Younger children who need closer contact with their children and some sick parents have no alternative caregivers and no one else who can take over the responsibilities of caring for the youngest child. I am particularly worried about
“That’s why we’re talking to us [Oregon Department of Education] But I don’t expect schools to become places where monkeypox is commonly transmitted. However, schools, whether staff or students, expect to have to face the problem that monkeypox patients may have been on campus. is like a contact. This happens in some school situations, such as wrestling. So, if a wrestler has lesions and has been attending practices or tournaments while having those lesions, it is possible to see infection. “
Sidelinger said the OHA is working with schools on ways to support students and teachers who may need to quarantine for several weeks, as well as ways to reduce stigma around infection.
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