Diagnosis and treatment of fungi and new cancers
- According to experts, the fungus is found in various parts of the human body and in cancerous tumors.
- Researchers say the microbes could help develop new diagnostic tools and treatments.
- They say fungi could develop biomarkers to detect cancer and immune responses to fight it.
the human body Diverse microbial ecosystem It plays an essential role in our health.
Among the inhabitants of that system are bacteria, archaea, protists, and fungiplants, animals, or creatures that eat decaying matter.
Mushrooms, molds, yeasts, and toadstools are all members of the fungi family.
Scientists have only recently discovered that there are various fungi on the human body. And importantly, it is present in human cancers.
Studies of how fungi perform in the cancer tumor environment compared to bacteria and viruses are new as researchers seek to find out if and how this knowledge can help cancer patients. The field is growing.
A global team of scientists examined 35 cancers and their associated fungi to create the first pan-cancer mycobiome atlas.
“Although the link between cancer and microbes has been explored for centuries, cancer-associated fungi have rarely been examined,” the study’s authors wrote.
Dr. Sandip PatelHe is an oncologist and director of clinical trials at UCSD.
“Cancer immunotherapy is the biggest revolution in cancer treatment, and fungi, not just as biomarkers, but as potential therapeutics, can actually trigger an immune response. Bugs as drugs, so to speak.” is,” he said.
Rob KnightHe is Professor of Biotechnology, Pediatrics, Computer Science and Engineering at UCSD and co-founder of Micronoma, a San Diego liquid biopsy company that develops microbial biomarkers in blood and tissue for cancer diagnosis and treatment. There was also. He is one of the co-authors of this study.
“The presence of fungi in most human cancers is both surprising and expected,” Knight said at a press conference.
“It is surprising because we do not know how fungi enter tumors throughout the body. It’s also expected to fit into a healthy microbiome pattern,” he added.
Dr. Gregory Sepich PooreCo-author of the study and co-founder and chief analytics officer of Micronoma.
This could lead to great opportunities not only in cancer detection, but also in drug development, cancer evolution, minimal residual disease, recurrence, and companion diagnostics, he explained.
This study characterizes the cancer mycobiome of 17,401 samples of patient tissue, blood, and plasma.
The researchers found fungal DNA and cells across many major human cancers, showing differences in community composition between cancer types.
Patel said there is likely to be something in the tumor environment that promotes or suppresses cancer.
“Organisms interact with immune cells. This study is the first attempt to understand what in tumors contributes and/or inhibits cancer growth,” he said.
One species of fungus was found to be abundant in breast cancer tumors from patients over 50 years of age, whereas another species was particularly abundant in lung cancer samples.
The researchers say there are significant correlations between specific fungi and age, tumor subtype, smoking status, response to immunotherapy, and survival.
Sandrine Miller-MontgomeryMicronoma’s Ph.D., chief executive officer, said that thanks to microbial biomarkers, the microbes in the blood can be used to detect cancer. Microbial biomarkers are tumor hallmarks that can be used to identify conditions and disease progression.
When analyzed properly, these microbial biomarkers can reveal cancer, even at stage 1, she said.
Miller-Montgomery told Healthline: “It’s amazing that we continue to discover so much about the microbiome and, in this particular paper, the link between the mycobiome and cancer.”
Since its inception, her company has focused on microbiome-driven liquid biopsy.
“Scientific knowledge about the critical role of the microbiome, including bacteria, viruses and fungi, in oncology continues to accumulate, and our mission is to detect cancer at its earliest stages through the most innovative and groundbreaking research. It’s a great pleasure to support ,” she said. she said.
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