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Coronavirus | WHO discontinues hydroxychloroquine, HIV treatment in COVID-19 trial after failure to reduce mortality


The World Health Organization (WHO) Testing the malaria drug hydroxychloroquine And the HIV drug lopinavir/ritonavir combination after COVID-19 inpatients did not reduce mortality.

See | What is Hydroxychloroquine?

The recession occurred because WHO first reported more than 20,000 new cases worldwide in one day. According to the WHO, the United States accounted for 53,213 of the 2,12,326 new cases recorded on July 3.

“These interim trial results show that hydroxychloroquine and lopinavir/ritonavir reduce little or no mortality in hospitalized COVID-19 patients when compared to standard of care. Will immediately impede the trial,” WHO said in a statement, referring to a large, multilateral trial led by the authorities.

A UN agency said the decisions made on the recommendation of the International Steering Committee of the Court did not affect other studies in which these drugs were used in non-hospitalized patients or as prophylactics. ..

Also read: Hydroxychloroquine does not reduce mortality, found in recovery test

Another area of ​​WHO-led trials focuses on the potential effects of Gilead’s antiviral drug lemdesibir on COVID-19. The European Commission on Friday conditionally approved the use of remdesivir after it was shown to reduce hospital recovery time.

The solidarity trial began with five chapters exploring possible therapeutic approaches to COVID-19. Lemdecivir; hydroxychloroquine; lopinavir/ritonavir; lopanivir/ritonavir in combination with interferon.

WHO Director Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus told reporters on July 3 that nearly 5,500 patients have been in clinical trials in 39 countries so far, with interim results expected within two weeks. It was

Also read: Avoid Hydroxychloroquine in COVID-19 Patients With Severe Illness, says Department of Health Protocol

Of the approximately 150 treatments in development, 18 COVID-19 vaccines have been tested in humans.

On July 3, WHO emergency expert Mike Ryan said it was unwise to predict when the vaccine would be ready. The vaccine candidate may show its efficacy by the end of the year, but the question is how quickly it is mass-produced thereafter, he said.

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