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RSV cases are surging.What you need to know

RSV cases are surging.What you need to know
RSV cases are surging.What you need to know


Respiratory viruses such as COVID-19 and influenza often spread and peak in the winter, when people travel for vacation and spend more time indoors breathing the same air. we have already been warned This year is the flu season, as public health measures such as wearing masks are being phased out after several years of COVID-19 precautions. But my parents are now more children than usual get sick Infected with Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) and beginning a wave of infections faster than usual.

Anyone can get RSV, but babies, children under five, the elderly, and immunocompromised people are particularly vulnerable to severe RSV, which can cause pneumonia and bronchitis and require hospitalization. the meantime Nearly all children will be infected with RSV at least once Since most recover at home before their second birthday, it’s important to know the signs of more serious infections so they can get the care they need.

What is RSV? how does it spread?

Respiratory syncytial virus is a common respiratory virus. spread to others via small droplets from an infected person’s nose or throat. These droplets are transmitted when they come into contact with a sick person or touch a contaminated surface and enter the eye, nose, or throat. after that Touch your eyes, nose and mouth.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the virus can live on hard surfaces (such as cribs) for hours. RSV does not live very long on soft surfaces such as skin and tissue. According to the CDC, it is the most common cause of bronchiolitis and pneumonia in infants under 1 year of age.

Can an adult catch RSV from a child?

yes. Children often become infected with RSV at school or daycare and carry it home. other familyHowever, most adults have mild or no symptoms of RSV.

Some adults are elderly, people with weakened immune systems, or lung or heart problems It can lead to more serious illness and complications.

What are your child’s or baby’s symptoms?

usually have symptoms About 4 to 6 days after infection or exposure, according to the CDC. Common signs are:

  • runny nose
  • sneeze
  • loss of appetite
  • coughing or wheezing
  • heat

of very young infantsHowever, the only symptoms are irritability and fussiness. Decreased activity or more tired behavior than usual; or difficulty breathing, including pauses in breathing.

3 year old coughing while mother takes temperature

Philadendron/Getty Images

Signs to take your child to the hospital

If you or your child have mild symptoms, you may not need additional treatment outside the home. But according to the Cleveland Clinic, your child will: rapid breathing is impeding them From drinking and hydration. About 3% of children infected with RSV require hospitalization, and most can go home within two to three days, according to clinics.

According to the CDC, you should contact your doctor if your child has trouble breathing, is unable to drink water, or has worsening symptoms. Very young infants (less than 6 months), premature infants, premature infants, children with weakened immune systems, neuromuscular disorders (problems with swallowing and mucus excretion), and children with other health problems Increased risk of severe disease from RSV.

If you are older, have a weakened immune system, or have underlying medical conditions, you may also be at increased risk of serious illness from RSV. If you or someone around you is having trouble breathing, always seek emergency medical care and medical attention immediately.

Treatment of RSV

Since RSV is a viral infection, antibiotics do not work. Treatment of RSV is usually supportive, and over-the-counter medications (but aspirin should not be used in children) may help relieve common symptoms such as coughing and congestion. Not all drug ingredients are safe for children and their small, growing bodies, so a doctor should be consulted before giving any drug to a child.

Severely ill high-risk children may be treated with the antiviral drug ribibirin and intravenous immune globulin. Treatment may also be considered for adults who are severely immunocompromised. The majority of patients do not require these interventions.

Prevention strategies are available for high-risk infants and children. PalivizumabIt is given in monthly injections during RSV season and is intended for children at high risk of hospitalization. Some eligible children Babies born very prematurely (less than 29 weeks), young children with compromised immune systems or other health conditions such as heart disease or neuromuscular disease.

If you think your child is at high risk and may be eligible for treatment, talk to your doctor.

Is there a vaccine?

There is no vaccine for RSV yet, but scientists are working on it. Johnson & Johnson have International vaccine trial begins in the elderly.

How to avoid RSV

Because RSV is a respiratory virus, taking many of the same health precautions you take for other viruses can reduce the risk of you or your child contracting RSV. This includes avoiding contact with sick or symptomatic people, avoiding indoor crowded places, and washing your hands before eating or touching your face.

For babies and young children, if you are concerned about catching the virus, you can take precautions by not allowing other people to kiss, hug, or touch your baby. You can also ask them to wash their hands and wear a mask when you pick them up.) Ideally, the CDC says: People with cold-like symptoms should avoid being around children Increased risk of RSV.

The information contained in this article is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as health or medical advice. If you have any questions about your medical condition or health purposes, be sure to consult a physician or other qualified Talk to your healthcare provider.




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