A Multinational Consensus to End the COVID-19 Pandemic
A recent study published in Nature It recommended concrete actions to end the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic.
Nearly three years have passed since Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) was first identified, but pandemic fatigue may undermine vigilance and vigilance. effectiveness of Responding to related challenges. Many people and governments do not have the same level of concern they had during the early pandemic. However, public health officials view COVID-19 as a dangerous and persistent health threat.
Knowledge of COVID-19 etiology, pathophysiology, vaccination, treatment, prevention, and care is rapidly advancing through scientific/medical research, collaboration, and debate. Despite progress, national responses have varied, partly due to lack of coordination and targets.
Research and Findings
In the current study, researchers conducted a Delphi study to develop consensus on the ongoing COVID-19 challenge with a diverse, multinational panel of 386 experts from 112 countries and territories. . The study yielded 41 statements and 57 recommendations for ending the COVID-19 pandemic. The top three recommendations suggest societal-wide actions and vaccine-plus strategies.
First, pandemic preparedness and response must adopt a whole-of-society approach involving multiple actors, disciplines and sectors. Second, a whole-of-government approach can identify, review and address the resilience of health systems. Third, countries should adopt a vaccine-plus strategy that includes COVID-19 vaccines, preventive measures, treatments and financial incentives.
Six themes were derived from the ranking exercise and degree of consensus achieved in the final round of the survey. 1) SARS-CoV-2 still exists and warrants continued efforts/resources despite government action, 2) Vaccine alone will not end COVID-19 3) Multisectoral cooperation is needed to foster trust; 4) Responsive health systems are essential and coordinated government support is required; 5) Opposing forces challenge efforts to end COVID-19 6) No one is safe until everyone is safe.
The Delphi process had six recommendations with low agreement. Of the two with a disagreement of more than 10%, the panelists 1) provided financial incentives to address vaccine skepticism, and 2) made COVID-19 diagnosis in settings with low access to resources. did not agree with the recommendation to adopt a symptomatic approach to Her four other recommendations that disagreed broadly related to the government’s use of enforcement and regulatory powers for disease control efforts.
Key joint agreements among panelists indicated that communication is a key area of ​​opportunity and risk in ending the pandemic. Health systems have experienced extremes throughout the pandemic, from near collapse to relative benign times. What was widely agreed among the panelists was that it could reduce the risk of the healthcare system being overwhelmed again.
We need to strengthen the role of primary health care to reduce the burden on hospitals and support the mental, social and physical health of health workers. Recommendations were made to increase investment in digital health infrastructure and leverage implementation science to identify rapidly scalable digital health solutions.
Most experts on the panel (97%) agreed that vaccination alone may not be enough to end the COVID-19 pandemic. Panelists suggested that public, industrial and philanthropic investors should fund programs/projects to develop vaccines with long-lasting immunity against SARS-CoV-2 variants . They recommended interventions to address vaccine hesitancy, including involving credible local organizations and leaders in vaccination efforts.
Panelists generally agreed that an individual’s medical autonomy extends to the right to make decisions about vaccination. However, the Panel believes that where the risk of harm is serious, governments may decide that the right to health of all people takes precedence over the medical autonomy of individuals who choose not to be vaccinated. Admitted.
As governments discontinue social measures, infection rates rise. All countries should therefore adopt a vaccine-plus strategy that includes vaccination, prevention, financial and therapeutic incentives. Given the airborne transmission of SARS-CoV-2, governments may regulate and encourage preventive measures such as air filtration and ventilation.
A fairly high level of agreement was observed among panelists on all aspects of treatment and care, suggesting that treatment remains an essential component of ending the pandemic. His long-term COVID research should be prioritized and case definitions should be standardized. The Panel also agreed that addressing inequities remains a challenge.
Panelists called for immediate efforts to reduce vaccine waste and address infrastructure-related barriers in resource-poor settings such as refrigeration and transportation. Transfer agreements to scale up production in middle- and low-income countries need to be accelerated.
This study reflected some of the findings of previous research, but was distinct given the implementation of the Delphi method, the diversity of the panelists, and the large sample size. The panel almost unanimously agreed on a whole-of-society and government approach and prioritized recommendations for effective communication with the public. Overall, this study will help inform decision-making on how to end COVID-19 worldwide without endangering the lives and health of vulnerable groups and without reverting to restrictions on civil liberties. advance the vision of
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