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How to safely treat a child with RSV at home and when to call a doctor

How to safely treat a child with RSV at home and when to call a doctor


Beds in Oregon’s pediatric intensive care unit are almost full with young patients struggling to breathe. That’s because of an unprecedented surge in RSV, a respiratory disease that primarily affects young children and infants. Children don’t need hospital care. And even those who do have a variety of treatment options available.

Dr. Jill Pearson is Chief of Pediatrics at Salem Health. She joined OPB’s “All Things Considered” host her Crystal Ligori to talk about how to keep children with RSV symptoms safe at home. Pearson also reviewed what to look for to know when she should go to the hospital.

The conversation below has been edited for length and clarity.

Crystal Rigori: Many of us had never heard of RSV until this year. Can you tell me why it seems so popular now?

Dr. Jill Pearson: Given COVID, we’ve been in hiding for the past few years, but it feels like we didn’t get the exposure we deserved from these viruses.

RSV is another common term for respiratory virus and one of the most common viruses causing admission to pediatric stations. we see it every year. Usually it starts in late December or early January, but this year we have seen a very early spike in RSV cases and perhaps an unprecedented number of cases as well.

I have been practicing pediatrics for over 20 years and this is the worst respiratory season I have ever seen.

[At Salem Health,] A record number of pediatric patients visit emergency rooms and are hospitalized with serious illness. RSV and now influenza are beginning to appear as well.

Rigori: So what symptoms should parents and caregivers look for to know if their child has RSV?

Pearson: Anyone can become infected with RSV. Adults usually have the usual cold symptoms, such as a runny nose, sore throat, and cough. You may or may not have a fever.

However, the smaller the child, the narrower the airways, making the virus significantly more difficult to handle. Increased wheezing, increased discharge from runny nose and congestion, and difficulty in clearing coughing secretions. Smaller babies, especially those who have had premature births or have given birth, can have a really hard time handling the discharge that is the result of this virus.

Breathing becomes faster and the work of breathing increases. In other words, you are taking in air using the muscles between and under your ribcage.

they can change colors from time to time [like blue lips or mouth] They can become dehydrated because they have low oxygen levels, cannot eat efficiently, and eventually need IVs and other means of support.

Rigori: That sounds like a worst case scenario. But most children with RSV can stay home – my understanding. So what should parents and caregivers provide while keeping sick children home? Is there?

FILE - This 1981 photo furnished by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) shows an electron micrograph of respiratory syncytial virus, also known as RSV.

FILE – This 1981 photo furnished by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) shows an electron micrograph of respiratory syncytial virus, also known as RSV.

CDC via AP, file/AP

Pearson: yeah that’s a great question. Because we’re seeing a surge in clinics and emergency rooms right now. So we urge parents to keep their children at home if they are breathing fine, not breathing too fast, fever is well controlled and feel fine. Recommended. I am hydrating.

Managing fever with Motrin or Tylenol Encouraging plenty of fluids during illness with these cold symptoms is highly recommended. And just make sure they have enough urine output to keep them from going to the hospital.

Rigori: Are there any specific indicators that indicate when it’s time to see a doctor?

Pearson: If you are worried about your child, we encourage you to call the clinic or seek care if he is exhibiting severe respiratory distress or dehydration. [Symptoms of respiratory distress include] Breathing faster, more work of breathing, what we call contractions, nasal flares, like two little nostrils popping out because you’re struggling to get oxygen. , if they are wetting less diapers than usual. [wet diapers] 8 hours should be enough.

Rigori: What else do you think parents and caregivers should really know about how to care for young children with RSV?

Pearson: I think the biggest one is reducing spreads. This virus is spreading so fast this year that I feel like I shouldn’t send my kids to school when they’re sick or to daycare when they’re sick. should be masked.

Diligence with proper hand washing is really important in caring for these kids so you don’t get yourself. I think.

We are trying to encourage clinics to waylay some of the checks in healthy children so that children can get treatment. I think it’s very important to go to the emergency room for severe needs only in order to release the bed.

Rigori: What about those who don’t care for their children? What do they need to know about the current situation?

Pearson: I think prevention is the only thing that really matters now. I think getting COVID boosters, COVID shots and flu vaccines is very important and will reduce the severity of respiratory illness for the rest of the season.




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