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E. coli Nissle may also protect human cells from other pathogenic strains


Usually there are not many positive thoughts. E. coli, Commonly found and referred to in the intestines of animals and humans. Contaminated salad bars, meat and other foods have been accused of closing beaches, swimming pools and restaurants.

But for over a century, one strain of bacteria, E. coli Nissle 1917 is used as a probiotic and therapeutic agent. Currently used in some countries to treat intestinal inflammation.

Now researchers at the University of Cincinnati School of Medicine say E. coli Nisul can also protect human cells from other more pathogenic strains E. coli such as E. coli 0157: H7, which is commonly associated with contaminated burger meat.

Dr. Allison Weiss, Ph.D., a researcher at the Department of Molecular Genetics, Biochemistry, and Microbiology at the University of California, and Dr. Sman Pradan, a researcher, use human intestinal organoid tissue derived from stem cells to protect and protect Nistle. Evaluated the ability from pathogenicity E. coli Bacteria 0157: H7.

They found that human intestinal tissue (HIO) was not harmed by Nissle bacteria introduced into human intestinal organoids while being pathogenic E. coli Bacteria destroyed the epithelial layer of HIO. More importantly, Nissle protected HIO when added before the pathogen E. coli Bacterial infection.

Survey results are available online. mBio, Journal of the American Society for Microbiology.

“Nisul did not kill the pathogenicity E. coli“But it rather increases the intestinal response and prepares for pathogens that can attack the intestine,” explains Weis, the corresponding author of the study. Our hope is to understand how this is happening. “

E. coli has all kinds of flavors. They collect genes from everywhere and carry whole bundles of other pathogens. Some E. coli can also cause urinary tract infections. What’s special is that bad E. coli has extra gene chunks that can cause problems. Good E. coli has these genes removed and is not capable of doing bad things

Dr. Allison Weiss, Professor, University of Cincinnati

Weiss wants to learn more about Nisle’s ability to develop Nistle’s cure E. coli Infectious diseases often caused by the production of Shiga toxin.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that 265,000 such infections occur each year, causing stomach cramps, diarrhea, and vomiting.

Cases can range from mild to severe, affecting people of all ages, but the illness can be particularly difficult for small children, who are more likely to die of an infectious disease, Weiss said. States. further, E. coli 0157: H7 infection increases the risk of hemolytic uremic syndrome.

“There is currently no cure. E. coli “We can give fluids to individuals, but it can be really deadly, and finding a way to treat it is really great.”

E. coli It can be contaminated if it is asymptotically carried by all kinds of animals, released in the faeces, in contact with food and ingested,” says Weiss.

“It’s still possible to sort meat, E. coli.. The best safeguard is to properly cook the meat before consuming it. E. coli It is also contained in raw vegetables such as lettuce and may be difficult to detect and remove. “


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