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Popular red food coloring causes gut irritation in mice

Popular red food coloring causes gut irritation in mice


Commonly used red food coloring has been found to promote intestinal inflammation in mice, according to a new study by scientists at McMaster University. This suggests that it may increase susceptibility to inflammatory bowel diseases such as Crohn’s disease and colitis.

A new study focused on a group of food coloring compounds known as azo dyes. It has been shown that type of azo dyes can exert proinflammatory properties in animals. I started to understand better.

The hypothesis driving the study was that the azo pigments were driving the secretion of serotonin in the gut, a hormone known to exacerbate the development of intestinal inflammation. was to screen several azo dyes for their potential effects on serotonin secretion using human cell culture.

Four of the most common azo dyes used as food coloring were selected: Allura Red AC (also known as FD&C Red 40 or E129), Brilliant Blue FCF, Sunset Yellow FCF, and Tartrazine Yellow. Among them, allura red was found to have the most pronounced effect on serotonin secretion, leading researchers to focus on it specifically in further animal studies.

Mice engineered to develop colitis were fed a normal diet or a diet supplemented with Allura Red (AR) for 12 weeks. The amount of food dye given to the animal was calculated relative to her known acceptable safe daily intake in humans.

After 12 weeks, mice chronically exposed to AR developed mild colitis. Intestinal levels of serotonin were also elevated, indicating that this mechanism is likely the driving force behind the increased inflammation.

There are many caveats to the findings that are important to understand. First, intermittent exposure to AR was not found to induce colitis in mice. Only a few weeks of chronic daily consumption caused intestinal inflammation.

Second, exposure to AR did not increase susceptibility to colitis in mice not yet engineered to develop the condition. This means that food additives may trigger inflammatory bowel disease in subjects predisposed to inflammatory bowel disease, either through genetic or lifestyle factors.

Nevertheless, Waliul Khan, senior author of the study, called the findings “shocking and alarming.” According to Khan, inflammatory bowel disease is caused by a combination of genetic, lifestyle, and environmental factors, and some people suspect these food additives to be a relevant trigger. plausible.

“This study demonstrates significant detrimental effects of allura red on gut health and identifies gut serotonin as a key factor mediating these effects,” Khan said. Our findings have important implications for the prevention and management of intestinal inflammation.”

The researchers stress that these findings have not been validated in humans, so at this stage the association is still speculative. More research is needed, especially on the relationship with food in children.

“Our finding that exposure to AR during childhood sensitizes mice to DSS-induced colitis makes it increasingly likely that early childhood is a critical period influencing susceptibility to subsequent IBD development. It supports the idea that the the study. “This is especially important because synthetic colors are a convenient, low-cost alternative for food manufacturers to make foods brighter and more appealing to customers, especially young children. Children have more exposure than adults because they are prevalent in many foods commonly consumed.”

A new study was published in Nature Communications.

sauce: McMaster University




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