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A glass of soda a day may increase the risk of baldness in men

A glass of soda a day may increase the risk of baldness in men


Just one less soda a day can help prevent hair loss.

a new research It suggests that drinking your favorite pops may increase your chances of going bald.

Researchers at Beijing’s Tsinghua University found that people who drank a glass of soda a day had a 57% higher risk of male pattern baldness compared to those who avoided soda.

Specifically, the study analyzed consumption of “sugar-sweetened drinks” called SSB, and hypothesized that drinks high in sugar may contribute to this condition. , sports drinks, sweetened coffee, and tea should be off the table if you want to keep your hair.

Data show that half of men typically lose their hair by age 50, and 25% of bald men notice early signs of hair loss before age 21. Cleveland Clinic.

Scientists have long sought an effective hair loss treatment. 2 tablets daily Minoxidil, the traditional active ingredient keep When Rogaine. 1 team Japanese researcher Earlier this year, we were even able to grow hair follicles in petri dishes. This is the first step towards the development of regenerative hair growth treatments.

However, recent advances may become meaningless if men continue to drink soda. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention63% of adults over the age of 18 drink at least one sugary drink per day.

This latest study, published in the journal Nutrients, was a self-reported survey of 1,028 men aged 18 to 45 living in China, looking for an association between consumption of sugary drinks and male pattern baldness. I was.

Participants answered questions about whether they were experiencing previous hair loss, dietary habits, and mental health problems. I was asked if I did.

This revealed a “significant association” between consumption of sugary drinks and hair loss in men.

Investigators found they consumed the most sweetened beverages among the youngest men surveyed, believing it to be a result of their “unawareness of the harmful effects” of sugary beverages. was

“Chronic disease and death are so vague and distant to young people that they are reluctant to give up the satisfaction brought by SSB for their long-term health goals.

The researchers further concluded that drinking sugary drinks one to three times a week increased the risk of hair loss by 21%, while drinking sugary drinks four to seven times increased the risk to 26%.

In addition to hair loss, they found a relationship between sugary drink consumption and psychological health. This can contribute to a vicious cycle of depression and anxiety that is exacerbated by hair loss.

In their analysis, the researchers found that people who consumed three sodas a day had about a 25% higher risk of depression. It was also found to be associated with increased anxiety in a 45-year-old study participant.

Scientists’ findings are correlative and we cannot be certain that soda causes hair loss.It’s just that people who drink soda have higher rates of hair loss.

However, this potential link between poor diet and hair loss, as analyzed by other researchers, is not the first of its kind. salt effect and receding hairline. While some researchers tout a healthy diet and various vitamins and minerals as the holy grail for preventing hair loss, it’s unclear if eating clean really is the ultimate.

The Beijing researchers didn’t think so. They did not find a healthy diet to have any protective qualities, but called for further research to confirm their findings.




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