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Think you’re iron deficient?here is what to do about it

Think you’re iron deficient?here is what to do about it


Animal foods that contain highly absorbable “heme” iron include lean beef, clams, oysters, mussels and sardines.Lisovskaya Natalia/iStockPhoto/Getty Images

Iron deficiency anemia is the most common nutritional deficiency in the world, affecting women and young children the most.

Since iron is necessary for many functions in the body, the symptoms of deficiency vary from person to person. However, the most common symptom is fatigue. Even a small drop in an iron shop can leave you feeling sluggish and weak.

What You Need to Know About Iron Deficiency Anemia – How to Identify and Treat It plus diet strategy To maintain healthy iron stores.

Why we need iron

The body uses iron to make hemoglobin. Hemoglobin is the protein in red blood cells that carries oxygen from the lungs to organs and other body tissues. Without enough iron, the body cannot produce enough oxygen-carrying hemoglobin, which can cause fatigue and shortness of breath.

Iron is also needed to maintain skin, hair and nails, make hormones and connective tissue, and support proper muscle and nerve function.The mineral also plays a role in brain function and a healthy immune system. .

Signs of iron deficiency anemia

Fatigue, exertion fatigue, and light-headedness are common signs of iron deficiency anemia. Pale skin, headaches, hair loss, brittle nails, and cold hands and feet may also occur.

Poor concentration, irritability, and increased susceptibility to infections are other signs of depleted iron stores. Left untreated, iron deficiency can also lead to depressed mood.

Identifying iron deficiency is not always easy. Some symptoms can be attributed to busy lifestyles, stress, or lack of sleep.

For these reasons, if you think you may be iron deficient, consult your doctor for a proper diagnosis.


Pregnancy increases the demand for iron, increasing the risk of iron-deficiency anemia (this also applies to rapidly growing infants and young children). Menstruation also increases the risk of iron deficiency.

Vegetarians, vegans, and other people whose diets do not include many iron-rich foods can develop iron deficiency over time.

Gastrointestinal disorders that interfere with the body’s ability to absorb iron, such as celiac disease and inflammatory bowel disease, can lead to iron deficiency.

Diagnosis of iron deficiency

Iron deficiency progresses in stages. Mild iron deficiency occurs when the body’s iron stores, measured by the ferritin blood test, are depleted. Ferritin is an intracellular protein that stores iron.

Low ferritin indicates low iron stores and iron deficiency. Anemia may or may not be present.

Iron deficiency anemia occurs when iron stores are depleted and hemoglobin is low. It is diagnosed by a complete blood count (CBC), a test that measures the amount of hemoglobin. Low hemoglobin indicates iron deficiency anemia.

Treatment of iron deficiency

Treatment of iron deficiency anemia requires an iron supplement containing 100-150 mg of elemental iron. A single diet or multivitamin usually cannot replenish iron stores. Elemental iron is the amount of iron in the supplement that can be absorbed. It’s on the label.

Supplements containing the “iron” form of iron are often used to treat deficiencies. High doses of ferrous iron can cause stomach upset and constipation. Other forms, such as polysaccharide iron complexes, have fewer gastrointestinal side effects.

For mild iron deficiency, a small iron supplement (20-30 mg) may be sufficient to rebuild iron stores.

Iron is best absorbed when taken on an empty stomach 2 hours before or 4 hours after meals. Taking iron with vitamin C (a glass of orange juice or a 250 mg vitamin C supplement) can also improve absorption. Please ingest.

Once your doctor determines that your iron stores have been replenished, it may take several months.

how to maintain your iron shop

Include iron-rich foods in your daily diet. Animal foods that contain highly absorbable “heme” iron include lean beef, clams, oysters, mussels and sardines.

Plant foods contain “non-heme” that is difficult to absorb. Foods high in this type of iron include white beans, lentils, kidney beans, chickpeas, lima beans, spinach, edamame, tofu, raisins, prune juice, cashews, pumpkin seeds, quinoa, and fortified breakfast foods. cereals, etc.

Eat foods rich in vitamin C (eg, strawberries, citrus fruits, kiwi fruit, green peppers, cauliflower, tomato sauce) at every meal to increase the absorption of non-heme iron.

A daily multivitamin and mineral supplement that contains iron can also help maintain iron stores.

Toronto-based private practice dietician Leslie Beck is Medcan’s Director of Food and Nutrition. follow her on her twitter @LeslieBeckRD

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