Tips for Diabetics to Avoid Covid Complications | Health

COVID The situation in India is largely under control, even in the presence of almost everyone. Omicron Although it is a subspecies, you need to be careful with viruses that are highly contagious and unpredictable. people with Diabetes If you get coronavirus, you are at a higher risk of developing fatal Covid complications such as severe pneumonia and inflammation, a higher risk of hospitalization, and an overall higher risk of death. Given that the pandemic isn’t over yet, you should monitor your blood sugar regularly, maintain a healthy lifestyle, and hit booster shots if you qualify. Diabetes: 5 Best and Worst Fruits for Managing Blood Sugar)
“After a long lull, Covid-19 is back in the news following a massive outbreak in China. Dr. V. Mohan, President and Chief Diabetologist of Dr. Mohan’s Center for Diabetes Specialty, said:
Covid could cause complications for diabetics
“Diabetic patients with coronavirus are at higher risk of developing severe pneumonia and inflammation, are at higher risk of hospitalization, are at higher risk of needing ventilator support, and are at higher risk of death. There are many studies showing that diabetics have a weakened immune system, especially when the virus is covid, making the system vulnerable to serious complications from infection in the body,” said Senior Diabetologist, RSSDI. President BM Makkar, Ph.D.
“It is well known that COVID-19 can worsen outcomes for people who already have health problems. This includes people with conditions such as heart disease, respiratory problems, etc. In these situations, whether you are a diabetic yourself or a caregiver for someone with diabetes, you may feel insecure and unsafe. You may be wondering what you can do to keep your
Despite the fact that people with poorly controlled diabetes have weaker immune systems, research shows that diabetes does not increase the risk of contracting coronavirus. does not increase, but it is likely to cause more serious complications if infected.
Dr. Mohan said there may be two reasons why people with diabetes are at increased risk of serious complications from COVID-19.
“One is that people with diabetes have weaker immune systems. The other is that the virus may work better in environments with high blood sugar. Risk increases with the number of complex conditions a person has, such as diabetes and heart disease,” says Dr. Mohan.
Type 1 diabetes or type 1 diabetes is a greater risk factor for severe Covid.
“There is currently no evidence that one type of diabetes is at greater risk than the other, meaning that the risk of type 1 and type 2 diabetes is about the same. Most people with type 2 diabetes are older and have high blood pressure. You are more likely to experience complications related to COVID-19 because you have complications such as type 1. of diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA), which is most often seen in diabetes but is also seen in type 2 diabetes. Many people with severe Covid are given steroids in the hospital. It can worsen control. It can cause temporary spikes in blood sugar, even in people who don’t have diabetes,” says Dr. Mohan.
Here are some tips for diabetics to avoid Covid infection.
1. Keep your vaccinations up to date: Make sure you have completed two doses of Covid vaccination and have a booster shot (immunization) as soon as possible.Indian government guidelines recommend prophylactic doses for all high-risk individuals and Diabetics definitely fall into this category.
2. Get your flu shot: Covid-19 is not the only respiratory disease prevalent in the community at this time. The flu is also back in fashion this year, with many developed countries battling his COVID-flu “twindemic”. Influenza vaccines are highly effective in preventing severe illness from influenza.
3. Follow standard protocols and guidelines Regarding symptoms, timing of testing, hygiene practices and social distancing.
4. Manage Your Diabetes Properly: With the spread of highly infectious variants of the coronavirus, it becomes difficult, if not impossible, to avoid infection permanently. The most important thing people with diabetes can do to reduce the risk of serious infections is to manage their diabetes properly. please. Find out what your blood sugar goals are and discuss what you can do to reach and maintain these goals. Also, monitor other risk factors such as blood pressure and cholesterol levels.
5. Maintain a healthy lifestyle: Even if you can’t go for a walk or run outside, make time to exercise each day. Regular exercise can help you feel better and reduce anxiety. Stay in touch with a diabetes educator/nutritionist to develop an optimal dietary plan. Avoid harmful behaviors such as tobacco use and excessive alcohol consumption.
6. Do not self-medicate. Always consult your doctor before using any medicine.
7. Watch out for signs of hypoglycemia (hypoglycemia) or diabetic ketoacidosis. This condition can develop life-threatening complications in people with diabetes, especially type 1 diabetes. It can occur while the body lacks enough insulin to convert glucose into energy, causing the breakdown of fats and leading to the accumulation of acids called ketones in the blood.
8. Eat a nutritious diet. Avoid fried foods as they may worsen the diabetic condition.
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