‘Zoom fatigue’: Study suggests online communication is less effective than face-to-face

Communication between people becomes less effective when it takes place through technology A new study by researchers in Montreal suggests that remote video chatting may even require a higher level of concentration as opposed to face-to-face video chatting.
The results of the study may help explain “Zoom fatigue,” the discomfort many people experience while using Zoom, the authors say. COVID-19 (new coronavirus infectious disease) Pandemic after spending a full day attending online meetings.
“Our findings underscore the price we are paying for technology,” the authors said in their report, “Technologically-assisted communication attenuates interrelationships,” published in the December 2022 issue of the open-access journal NeuroImage. -brain synchrony” said in a study.
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Guillaume Dumas, a researcher at the University of Montreal and Sainte-Justine Children’s Hospital, and his colleagues used electroencephalograms (a test that measures the electrical activity of the brain) to examine the brains of mothers and their children. 62 mother-infant pairs were studied. Brain activity was measured when they were talking face-to-face and via remote video chat.
Researchers found that participants’ brains were “in sync” when they were in each other’s presence, but not when they were chatting over a screen. He said he could observe nine significant “cross-brain links” between participants during face-to-face conversations, compared to only one link during chat.
They believe that the links formed during face-to-face discussions allow people to convey emotions and provide non-verbal cues.
“It’s the saying of being on the same wavelength,” Dumas said, adding that research shows that there is no specific cross-brain link when people talk via video conferencing software.
“Communicating with technology can result in a somewhat lower quality and less reliable communication compared to what our brains are accustomed to (and designed for). I am paying for.”

The human brain is the result of tens of thousands of years of evolution, and technology evolves rapidly. The brain is structured to manage face-to-face interactions and communication with other people, he added.
Researchers found that the frontal regions of the mother’s brain were linked to each region measured in the child’s brain during face-to-face discussions. The frontal cortex is associated with advanced social functions such as social cognition and decision-making in social contexts.
According to Dumas, face-to-face communication makes it easier to deliver and identify non-verbal cues, predict what others might say, and recognize innuendos.
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The study raises concerns about young people who use technology heavily to communicate, he added.
He said there are neuroscience experiments that show there is a critical time when young people learn certain social norms, which can be difficult to master later in the developmental process. It also opens the door to certain practices that were more difficult to do face-to-face, such as cyberbullying.
“People who haven’t taken action (directly) have a much harder time demonstrating harmful behavior on the Internet,” Dumas said.
“Zoom fatigue” can be caused by delayed social feedback, difficulty maintaining attention, people not showing their faces, postural problems, or slow response due to muted microphones. Poor brain synchronization can be added to that list, says Dumas.
“At the end of the day, we may come to the conclusion that a 15-minute face-to-face meeting is more effective than an hour-long online meeting.”
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