Early menopause linked to Alzheimer’s risk if hormone therapy is delayed
women passing by menopause At a younger age, there may be an increased risk of postponing hormone replacement therapy to manage symptoms Alzheimer’s diseasesuggests a new study.
“Hormone therapy is the most reliable way to improve severe symptoms. menopausal symptomsHowever, over the past few decades, it has been unclear how hormone therapy affects the brain. Dr. Rachel Buckley, Assistant Professor of Neurology at Harvard Medical School in Boston and Massachusetts General Hospital. statement.
Women are already at higher risk of Alzheimer’s disease than men
To explore this relationship, the researchers examined data from 99 postmenopausal men and 193 women with no history of cognitive impairment. and assessed levels of tau and beta-amyloid, brain proteins implicated in the development of Alzheimer’s disease.
Female participants provided data on their age at menopause. Researchers found that men who went through menopause before the age of 40 premature menopausethose who have experienced menopause at the age of 40-45 early menopauseThe normal timing for menopause is between the ages of 45 and 55. National Institutes of Health (NIH).
For a subset of 98 women who used hormone therapy, researchers looked at data on how long after menopause these women started treatment.
Overall, women had higher tau levels than men. Researchers reported April 3 Department of Neurology, JAMAThe findings were expected, the researchers noted. evidence It has long been shown that women are much more likely to develop Alzheimer’s disease than men.
Scientists also found that even after considering genetic risk factors for Alzheimer’s disease and known risk factors for premature menopause, such as smoking and surgical removal of pores, premature menopausal women have lower levels of tau and beta-amyloid proteins in the brain. I also found it to be higher. ovary.
Initiating hormone therapy shortly after early menopause may provide cognitive protection
However, when the researchers also looked at the timing of hormone therapy in women who had gone through premature menopause, they found no increase in protein levels when women started hormone therapy soon after this transition. , the highest protein levels were seen in participants who waited at least five years before taking hormones.
“We found that the highest levels of tau, a protein implicated in Alzheimer’s disease, were only observed in hormone therapy users who reported a long delay from the age of onset of menopause to the start of hormone therapy,” Dr. Buckley said. .
One limitation of this study was that most of the participants were white, and the research team noted that black or Hispanic women or individuals of other racial or ethnic groups may have different results. Another drawback was that researchers relied on participants to accurately recall and report the timing of menopause and hormone therapy initiation, which may not always provide accurate information. There is a possibility
Still, the findings provide new evidence that a link between hormone therapy and dementia was landmarkly established. Women’s Health Initiative (WHI) A 20-year-old study says it may not be the same for all women who use hormones. Victor Henderson, MDDirector of Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center at Stanford University, California.
“The effects of hormone therapy dementia risk It may depend on the age at which hormonal therapy is initiated or the timing of initiation relative to menopause, with initiation and use farther from menopause increasing risk,β the study said.
This should reassure women that their risk of dementia can be minimized by taking hormones sooner. Vasomotor symptoms of menopause β like hot flashes and night sweats β kick off hormones just to promote brain health.
The findings “do not suggest that women should consider hormone therapy to stem dementia in the absence of moderate to severe vasomotor symptoms,” Henderson said. . βOn the one hand, the findings are consistent with other evidence that the overall benefits of hormone therapy in perimenopause and early postmenopause do not outweigh the overall risks in otherwise healthy women. β
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