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NUH’s Healthy Keto Diet Leads to Weight Loss Without Increasing Bad Cholesterol Levels

NUH’s Healthy Keto Diet Leads to Weight Loss Without Increasing Bad Cholesterol Levels


Singapore – Tan Van Tong, who weighs 115 kg and is 1.74 m tall, struggled to buy clothes. Airplane seats were often not wide enough, so walking short distances left him breathless and it was hard to fly.

The 60-year-old deputy director of human resources is now in much better shape after losing 25 kg last year.

I am no longer short of breath and have better control over health issues such as diabetes, high blood pressure and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.

The secret to his success is the Healthy Ketogenic Diet developed by Dr. Lim Su Lin, Chief Dietitian at National University Hospital (NUH).

A key feature of this diet is to induce ketosis by maintaining net carb levels (carbs minus fiber) below 50g per day. In ketosis, stored fat (instead of glucose) is broken down to provide energy.

This equates to 3 or 3½ slices of white bread or 1¼ cups of rice per day.

“On many weight loss diets, people usually[give up]because of hunger,” Dr. Lim said Wednesday at an event at NUH sharing the results of a study on the diet.

However, on a healthy keto diet, once a person reaches ketosis, usually in a few days, levels of glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1), a hormone that helps increase satiety and reduce cravings, naturally increases. will be higher. , she added.

Unlike the traditional keto diet, which eats large amounts of saturated fat and lean meat instead of carbohydrates. Associated with elevated low-density lipoprotein (LDL) levels, Or bad cholesterol.

This keto diet focuses on high-fiber, low-carb fruits from nuts, seeds, fatty fish, healthy fats found in unsaturated oils, lean proteins, and non-starchy vegetables. Fat consumption is less than 50% of your total daily energy, unlike the traditional keto diet where fat makes up up to 90% of your total daily energy. A healthy keto diet also restricts calories according to a person’s profile.

Dr Lim said dietary participants in an ongoing clinical trial did not show an increase in LDL levels at six months as well as at one year.

The trial includes 80 participants who, like Tan, are national university health system staff. They all have a body mass index (a measure that uses height and weight to determine if they’re at a healthy weight) above 27.5.

A group assigned to a healthy keto diet lost an average of 7.4 kg over six months, and another group assigned to a standard low-fat, calorie-restricted weight loss diet lost an average of 4.2 kg. They used NUH’s nBuddy keto mobile app to help them with their food choices.

After 6 months, all participants with diabetes or prediabetes were able to lower their blood glucose levels, while 70% of participants with hypertension showed improvement. Those who strictly followed a healthy keto diet were less dependent on prescription drugs and had an overall better quality of life.




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