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Hospitals should establish antibiotic management programs to prevent C. difficile infections.

Hospitals should establish antibiotic management programs to prevent C. difficile infections.


Five health organizations say it’s essential for hospitals to establish antimicrobial management programs to prevent Clostridioides difficile (it’s difficult)Infection. These infections associated with antibiotic use cause diarrhea that is difficult to treat, lengthy hospital stays, and higher costs. it’s difficult Infectious diseases kill more than 12,000 people in the United States each year.

Prevention strategy Clostridioides difficile Infectious diseases in acute care hospitals: 2022 update, Provides evidence-based, actionable recommendations for effective identification of acute care hospitals. it’s difficult Prevent infection and prevent the spread of this dangerous germ.This document was published today in the journal Infection control and hospital epidemiologyis the latest expert guidance in a series known collectively as compendiums.

it’s difficult It is an urgent health threat and hospitals need a system-wide effort to stop it. The use of antibiotics it’s difficult Infectious disease, antimicrobial management – ​​approaches to ensure these drugs are prescribed and used appropriately – are strong first-line defenses. ”

Larry K. Kociolek, MD, First Author, Vice President of Systems Preparedness, Prevention, and Response at Lurie’s Children’s Hospital of Chicago, Member of the Health Care Epidemiology Society of America (SHEA)

it’s difficult It causes more than 450,000 infections annually in the United States, and the CDC has identified it as a public health threat that requires urgent and aggressive action.patient who had it’s difficult During hospitalization, part or all of the colon is likely to be removed, and discharge to a nursing home is likely.

Diagnostic management for proper use and interpretation it’s difficult Testing was also identified as an essential practice. While medical-related cases have plateaued in recent years, community-related cases have plateaued. it’s difficult The number of cases is increasing, the risk of hospitalization is increasing, and the need for rapid and accurate diagnosis is increasing.

The updated guidance also emphasizes the adequacy assessment of room cleaning and addresses equipment cleaning procedures and patient environments. it’s difficult. The authors also address the need for timely alerts when patients are newly diagnosed. data reporting; education of environmental service personnel, managers, patients and families;Additional steps hospitals can take when: it’s difficult The incidence remains high even after implementing basic practices.

This document updates 2014 Strategies to prevent Clostridium difficile infection in acute care hospitalsFirst published in 2008, Compendium is sponsored by the Society for Healthcare Epidemiology (SHEA). It is the product of collaborative work with the Infectious Diseases Society of America, the Association of Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology, the American Hospital Association, and a Joint Committee led by SHEA, with significant contributions from representatives of several organizations and societies. there is. Have content expertise. Compendium is a multi-year, highly collaborative guidance-making effort by his 100+ experts around the world.

Future updates of Compendium will include strategies for preventing catheter-associated urinary tract infections and methicillin-resistant infections. Staphylococcus aureus Infection, and surgical site infection. Strategies for preventing central line-associated bloodstream infections, ventilator- and non-ventilator-associated pneumonia and events, and strategies for preventing healthcare-associated infections through hand hygiene were also recently updated. Each Compendium article includes infection prevention strategies, performance measures, and approaches to implementation. Compendium recommendations are derived from a systematic literature review, assessment of evidence, practical and implementation-based considerations, and a synthesis of expert consensus.


Journal reference:

Kochorek, L., others(2023). Strategies to prevent Clostridioides difficile infection in acute care hospitals: updated 2022. Infection control and hospital epidemiology.




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