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SSB tax can meaningfully improve diet and health and generate cost savings

SSB tax can meaningfully improve diet and health and generate cost savings


Oakland residents are buying less sugary drinks since the local “soda tax” went into effect, which is likely improving their health and saving the city money, according to California. A new study from the University of San Francisco has revealed.

According to a study published on April 18, pros medicinesugar-sweetened beverage (SSB) purchases, compared to similar cities not subject to the tax, from the tax of 1 cent per ounce that took effect in July 2017 through December 31, 2019 decreased by 26.8%.

The study comes just over a year after the National Commission on Clinical Care (NCCC), established by Congress to advise on diabetes policy, recommended that legislators impose a national tax on sugary drinks. It’s been five years since the California legislature barred cities and counties from imposing new taxes on her SSB, despite existing tax exemptions in Oakland, San Francisco, Berkeley and Albany. rice field.

These results suggest that the SSB tax can meaningfully improve diet and health and generate significant cost savings over a sustained period of time, all of which support the national tax’s claim to the SSB. . The American Beverage Association cornered the California Legislature to pass a law banning additional SSB taxes in the state. Voters now have evidence that allowing such taxes can bring great benefits to society, and they want state and national level legislators to act on these findings. I’m in. ”

Dean Schillinger, M.D., UCSF Professor of Medicine, Senior Study Author, NCCC Co-Chair

Researchers compared sugary drink purchases in Oakland to purchases in nearby Richmond, Calif., and Los Angeles, which have no drink tax. They looked at consumer behavior in these cities during his 30 months before and after the tax went into effect on July 1, 2017.

We then used computer modeling to estimate how reduced SSB purchases would affect community health. It is measured in quality-adjusted life years (QALYs). QALY is the year of perfect health. They also calculated medical savings from preventing or managing SSB-related diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and periodontal disease.

Researchers found that 26.8% less consumption of SSB over a 10-year period would add 94 QALYs per 10,000 inhabitants, saving the city more than $100,000 per 10,000 inhabitants in health care costs, with benefits expected to increase over a lifetime. has discovered. They found no evidence that consumers crossed the border to purchase sugary drinks at nearby non-taxed locations, or purchased sugary snacks in lieu of taxed SSB.

Lead author Dr. Justin White says he is Associate Professor of Health Economics at UCSF’s Philip R. Lee Institute for Health Policy.

In Auckland, purchases of all types of SSB decreased by 23.1% for sweetened sodas, 30.4% for fruit drinks, 42.4% for sports drinks and 24.4% for sweetened teas. Purchase declines were similar for personal and family products, as well as for low-income and high-income regions.

“Surveys of other cities in the United States show similar declines in SSB purchases,” says Schillinger. “The lasting impact of the Auckland tax is particularly significant.

Current research may underestimate the health benefits of SSB taxes. This is because investigators have not accounted for the positive impact of local nutrition and public health programs funded by Auckland tax revenues.

growing trend

As of 2021, seven U.S. cities and more than 35 countries have introduced SSB taxes to reduce the risk of chronic diet-sensitive diseases and increase government revenue for health promotion.

Previous studies have found that consuming sugary drinks increases the risk of obesity, type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. The SSB tax significantly reduced the risk of maternal diabetes and unhealthy weight gain during pregnancy. It also reduced the risk of having a baby that was too small.

Previous studies have found that SSB taxes lead to short-term purchases and reduced intake of SSB, but this, along with other purchasing behaviors such as ‘alternative’ purchases of sugary snacks, is associated with sustained declines. It is the first study to investigate and the first study to assess Cost-effectiveness.


Journal reference:

White, JS, and others. (2023) Sweetened Beverage Tax Evaluation in Oakland, USA, 2015–2019: A Quasi-Experimental and Cost-Effective Study. PLOS Medicine.




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