Brighton neighbors worried about fox skull after ferocious attack
ROCHESTER, NY – A rabid fox bit at least six people in Brighton over the weekend. Now, people who live in the neighborhood where it happened are worried about Skalk’s remaining foxes.
“We have some undeveloped land behind us, so they like to hang out there,” Joe Tunis says of the foxes in his Brighton neighborhood. “The first few times I saw them, they had some kits, babies, and they were flying around with them.”
A few weeks ago, Tunis videotaped one of the foxes approaching his rear deck and staying there for a while. He and his wife didn’t see it until Friday.
“I was working upstairs and I could hear my wife yelling,” he recalls. “She was setting up the garden on the back deck and when I got off she was like, ‘A fox bit me.’ At this point she was inside, but the fox was outside.” It seems that he got out and walked around and ran away.”
Tunis’ wife’s skin was torn by bites.
“We speculated that Kit was below deck and felt threatened,” says Tunis.
However, it turned out not to be the case. The fox ran away and bit five other people in the neighborhood.
“We started hearing more incidents, and when we closed some doors, children were bitten,” he says.
Brighton Police and Brighton Animal Control responded to the neighborhood on Friday.
“This is the first time in my 20+ year career that I believe there was an animal with rabies.
The department was able to catch the fox and euthanize it. Further testing confirmed rabies, so anyone bitten must undergo a course of treatment.
“My wife took a few doses on Friday the day she was bitten. Then she had to go on Monday to get a few more doses, but it turns out the fox has rabies.” was confirmed, so she had to continue with it.
But the family’s bigger concern is for others.
“We have a lot of young children because the neighborhood has changed over the last few years,” says Tunis.
“We know our neighbors have been seeing foxes since this incident, but are they the same fox family? We must work together to collect some of these facts.
Meanwhile, Brighton animal control officers are setting up and checking humane traps in the neighborhood. But when it comes to foxes, they really aren’t the best option.
“There are drawbacks to leghole traps. We are in a suburb, so we have leghole traps there…cats and dogs are free-ranging animals, so they are at risk of being caught. We need to look into it,” says Kasodori.
As soon as we have more answers, we will be holding a meeting with our neighbors, probably early next week.
The Monroe County Public Health Department is urging everyone who has had physical contact with a fox in the Brighton area in the last week to talk to their healthcare provider. ) Report the incident to 753-5171.
Rabies is a deadly viral disease if left untreated in infected people or pets. A person who has not touched an animal is not at risk. To prevent rabies, keep away from wildlife at all times and keep your pet vaccinated against rabies. Click to learn more and find a free Monroe County rabies vaccination clinic near you. here.
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