This antidepressant may help treat chronic pain
- A newly published study suggests that out of the 25 antidepressants studied, only one shows great promise in treating chronic pain.
- Doctors said they hoped to see more research, especially in people with mental health conditions such as anxiety and depression..
new research by Cochrane database of systematic reviews Found an antidepressant Duloxetinewhich may be therapeutic chronic pain.
This review included an examination of 176 studies of 25 individual antidepressants involving 28,664 people.
Of those, only duloxetine was found to have any significant effect on chronic pain.
The chronic pain conditions most frequently observed by researchers were fibromyalgia, neuropathic pain, and musculoskeletal pain.
Of the 25 antidepressants, only duloxetine was studied. Selective Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitor (SNRI) It was effective in reducing pain.
With a sample size of 1,000, the researchers found that 435 people, or about 43%, could cut their pain in half. By comparison, the researchers found that only 287 people, or 28.7%, experienced the same amount of pain relief when taking placebo.
The researchers described duloxetine’s effects as “moderate,” and also found that doses higher than the standard 60 milligrams didn’t change how much the study participants felt.
The average duration of the studies was about 10 weeks, so the researchers were unable to determine whether duloxetine or other regularly prescribed antidepressants provided long-term pain relief.
Dr. Christine Gibson (M.D.) The research could be useful, especially when managing pain in people without using opioids, he said.
Gibson said people with chronic pain are often prescribed off-label drugs, and many of these drugs can have side effects.
“I don’t think people can handle all of this,” Gibson said. “I’ve stopped prescribing as much as I can, so I’m happy to see that it’s been working reasonably well.”
Gibson also says from her experience, people often take many other medications before they get a prescription for duloxetine. Gibson said it’s important for doctors to think about the psychological and financial implications of prescribing so many drugs to people with chronic pain.
“By the time people take duloxetine, for me, it’s usually about eight pills a day, or 30 pills a day. It’s like a drug burden,” Gibson said. rice field. “And I’m really interested in the experiences of people in pain. They’re trying everything… end up trying NSAIDs. End up trying Tylenol, then end up adding duloxetine. .”
Dr. Mirela Loftus, MD, PhD, Newport Healthcare She said she wanted to know how these drugs would affect chronic pain in people with anxiety and depression.
“I would love to see studies that don’t exclude patients with co-occurring mental health conditions because that mimics the types of patients we actually see in our communities,” Loftus said. rice field. “Including these patients will provide more insight into whether treatment with antidepressants improves depression and anxiety along with pain. It also gives us clues about how they affect each other.”
Loftus, who has spent part of his career researching treatments for depression, said studies like this could help health care professionals switch from SSRIs (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors) to SNRIs (serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors). uptake inhibitors). Duloxetine and milnacipran are part of first-line therapy. She said this kind of research methodology makes sense when considering the mind-body connection.
“There is no denying that our physical health, or lack thereof, has a significant impact on our mental health. The idea of doing so is now standard practice,” Loftus said.
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