Malaria Confirmed in Florida Mosquitoes
Several mosquitoes collected by officials in Sarasota County, Florida, tested positive for malaria at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s laboratory. This is as the response is stepped up to eradicate further spread of the disease.four locally acquired malaria cases With recent reports in both Florida and Texas, it is the first known case of mosquito-borne disease transmission in the United States since 2003.
The Sarasota County Mosquito Control Department told CBS News in a statement that three mosquitoes carrying the parasite that causes malaria were taken from the same wooded area. These were among more than 100 samples sent to the CDC for testing.
Local authorities target eradication efforts in the area to wipe out Anopheles mosquitoes mosquitoInsect that spreads malaria by truck, aircraft, and foot dispersal.
“Efforts continue to test more Anopheles mosquitoes across all areas of concern, not just treatments,” the county said.
The news that the mosquito test was positive was reported earlier. Sarasota Herald Tribune.
A CDC spokesperson confirmed that it received mosquito samples from both Florida and Texas to help investigate the incident. national health advisories It was issued by the agency last week.
In Texas, all mosquitoes so far have tested negative for the parasite, a spokeswoman for the Texas Department of Health told CBS News.
Texas reported single case A resident who had never traveled out of state became infected this month.Cameron County Official Said The patient was a resident of another county, but investigations revealed that the patient had contracted the parasite while in the county.
Spokespeople for both the Texas and Florida health departments declined to confirm whether additional suspected cases were being investigated in the two states.
It may take several weeks after being infected with the parasite before you feel sick for the first time.quick symptoms Many malaria infections can mimic the flu, with symptoms such as fever, headache, and malaise.
However, untreated cases can quickly become dangerous. The World Health Organization estimates that 619,000 people worldwide will die from malaria in 2021. Estimate. Most common in tropical climates.
Anopheles mosquito
Before the COVID-19 pandemic disrupted travel, the CDC tracked hundreds of malaria cases reported to the agency in the United States. every year.
Most cases are usually reported in the summer and fall, and almost all are due to bites during recent trips abroad.So-called Malaria infected at the “airport” The mosquito itself can travel on airplanes and, very rarely, can be transmitted through contaminated blood transfusions.
Humans cannot spread malaria to others like they can catch a cold or the flu.
mosquito Spread Malaria is transmitted between humans by sucking the blood of infected humans. The parasite then replicates inside the mosquito for several weeks before infecting new humans that the mosquito feeds on.
The CDC believes that the risk of further local spread of malaria nationwide is “remains very low,” but it does know that Anopheles mosquitoes, which can spread malaria, live in most parts of the country. Admitted.
In its recommendations, the CDC said, “Regardless of foreign travel history, consider a diagnosis for malaria in anyone with a fever of unknown origin, especially if they have been to an area with a recent local malaria outbreak. please,” he advised.
During the nation’s last outbreak of malaria among residents of Palm Beach County, Fla., in 2003, officials ramped up efforts to control mosquito populations while rushing to catch and test Anopheles mosquitoes.
At the time, this was the country’s first reported “malaria outbreak with widespread transmission” since 1986. However, CDC testing showed no evidence of parasites in any of the mosquitoes sampled.
A CDC official said, “This epidemic is likely to reintroduce malaria into the United States despite intensive surveillance, vector control efforts, and local public health responses to educate clinicians and communities. It shows sex,” he said. I have written at the time.
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