New Data Shows Bexar County among Top 10 Texas Counties with Alzheimer’s Disease Rates
![New Data Shows Bexar County among Top 10 Texas Counties with Alzheimer’s Disease Rates New Data Shows Bexar County among Top 10 Texas Counties with Alzheimer’s Disease Rates](,w_700/v1/arc-cf/07-18-2023/t_fd79dd83f72944589e806730f8687ca3_name_image.jpg?_a=ATAPphC0)
San Antonio – – Bexar County ranks 7th when it comes to having the highest prevalence of Alzheimer’s disease and dementia in the entire state of Texas.
This brand new information comes from the Alzheimer’s Association in its first report to list figures by county rather than by state.
Among those included in this statistic is Byron Cordes’ mother-in-law, who was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s seven years ago.
“My mother-in-law was very organized, she was a military wife and she hosted large events. She started repeating the same thing.
Cordo is the caretaker of her mother-in-law.
Long before her diagnosis, he had volunteered with the Alzheimer’s Association and used his social work profession to help conduct educational seminars.
Cordos is also a board member of the Alzheimer’s Association, but professionally is the Aging Life Care Manager for SAGE Care Management.
In all these positions, he knows the new data released by the Alzheimer’s Association are important.
Disease prevalence figures list the percentage of people over the age of 65 who are estimated to have Alzheimer’s disease or dementia.
For the first time, it’s broken down by county instead of by state, giving you a closer look at the areas most in need.
“In Bexar County, 13 percent of people age 65 and older currently have dementia or Alzheimer’s disease, which equates to about 33,000 people,” said Greg Siuto, executive director of the San Antonio-South Texas Alzheimer’s Association.
A large number landed in Bexar County, which had the seventh-highest prevalence in the state.
The top 10 counties with the highest Alzheimer’s disease prevalence among people aged 65 and over with a population of over 10,000 are:
El Paso (15.0%)
Webb (15.0%)
Hidalgo (14.8%)
Cameron (14.6%)
Jefferson (13.8%)
Walnut (13.2%)
Vexar (13.0%)
Victoria (12.7%)
Dallas (12.6%)
Midland (12.4%)
“This validates what we already know: Hispanics and Latinos are 1.5 times more likely to develop the disease. Our demographics make it almost certain that the prevalence is high here,” Siuto said.
Siuto said the key now is what to do with this information.
“This only highlights the need for better diagnostic tools and better training for law enforcement officers, doctors and others who may come into contact with an undiagnosed person,” he said.
He hopes that Public Health will allocate resources to this serious and deadly disease and bring more care and education to high-infection areas like Bexar County.
Cord believes there needs to be a focus on doctors and their role in early diagnosis.
“We have a shortage of geriatricians. We have a shortage of neurologists and psychiatrists.
Cordos said primary care doctors need to be trained to better understand dementia and how to diagnose it, because access to specialists can be difficult.
There is also the issue of taking the patient to the doctor in the first place.
“We find people who skip care. I think Alzheimer’s has become the new taboo silent killer. People don’t want to admit it. People don’t want to talk about it,” Kordes said.
People with disabling forgetfulness should see a doctor and ask about dementia.
Kordo is trying to help break down the stigma so people like her mother-in-law can get care as soon as possible.
“There is help. You are not alone,” said Cordes.
It is accessible to anyone who wants information about diagnosis, treatment and even care.
“We provide support groups and community education. We have resources available for people suffering from this disease. We understand the types of behaviors that are common in dementia and help people understand how to better communicate with people with dementia,” Siuto said.
If you are a caregiver and are interested in resources, see information about ALZ and dementia. meeting Coming August 12th.
Registration is free at UT Health San Antonio. here.
There is also a 24/7 Caregiver Helpline at 800-272-3900.
Copyright 2023 by KSAT – All rights reserved.
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