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5-year-old migrant boy dies at Pilsen shelter due to sepsis and virus, new autopsy results revealed

5-year-old migrant boy dies at Pilsen shelter due to sepsis and virus, new autopsy results revealed
5-year-old migrant boy dies at Pilsen shelter due to sepsis and virus, new autopsy results revealed


Pilsen — Newly released autopsy results of a 5-year-old boy who died while staying at a city-run migrant shelter show he died of sepsis caused by an infection and that the virus was a contributing factor.

Jean Carlos Martinez Rivero, 5, died Dec. 17 at Comer Children's Hospital after paramedics took him from the immigrant shelter at 2241 S. Halstead St., where he was staying with his family. announced the official.

The Cook County Medical Examiner's Office determined that Jean Carlos died of sepsis due to a “widespread bacterial infection” of Group A Streptococcus pyogenes. According to autopsy results, the boy was also infected with coronavirus, adenovirus, and rhinovirus/enterovirus. His cause of death was determined to be “natural causes.”

The report does not say when or how Jean Carlos contracted these viruses, or how or when he contracted them.

Jean Carlos and his family arrived at the city's migrant landing zone on November 30th. They were taken to the Halstead Street shelter the same day. Officials previously said.

On the day Jean Carlos died, his family was out of the shelter for part of the day. The coroner's case report says he was lethargic, vomiting all day, and had a pale face. The report said his mother gave him Tylenol because he had a fever the evening before.

People come and go at 2241 S. Halstead Street, the city's largest migrant shelter, on Dec. 18, 2023. On Sunday afternoon, a 5-year-old boy fell ill inside the shelter and died. credit: Colin Boyle/Block Club Chicago

The report said Jean Carlos' eyes rolled back and he was exhibiting “seizure-like activity” shortly before being taken to the hospital.

The city previously said staff members at the shelter called 911 and performed chest compressions on Jean Carlos until paramedics arrived.

Jean Carlos was pronounced dead at the hospital.

Group A Streptococcus pyogenes is a bacteria that commonly causes throat and skin infections, but it can also cause sepsis, a serious immune response in the body.
The coroner's report said there was a risk to his own organs.

“This can cause septic shock and severe organ damage, especially in children,” the report said.

The risk of death is also higher if you have other viral infections, according to the report.

Migrants report poor conditions at the Pilsen shelter. The six-story building opened to immigrants in October and housed about 2,500 people as of early this year, according to city documents.

Migrants told Borderless magazine late last year: The building is frigid, dusty, and small, the bathrooms are dirty, and the food is sometimes rotten. They also reported abuse by shelter staff and outbreaks of chickenpox, influenza, and upper respiratory infections due to inadequate medical care for those affected.

Chicago has admitted about 35,500 immigrants since August 2022, according to city data.

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