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Suggests protein may be the culprit and may be treatable with drugs

Suggests protein may be the culprit and may be treatable with drugs



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In a new study, researchers suggest that antiviral proteins produced in the body during infection may be responsible for prolonged COVID-19 infections, and the next step is to treat the disease. I am optimistic that we will be able to produce a drug that will

important facts

Researchers followed long-term coronavirus patients for two and a half years to understand why some patients recovered from symptoms and others did not, according to a study published Wednesday in Science Advances.

Symptoms of long-term COVID-19 (or post-COVID-19) include shortness of breath, loss of smell or taste, brain fog or chest pain after recovering from COVID-19. It can last for weeks or even years.according to to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

When infected with coronavirus, a person produces inflammatory proteins such as: interferon gamma (or IFN-y), which is part of the body's natural response to fight off infection.

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Production of this protein usually stops once the infection subsides, but researchers found that participants with ongoing Covid symptoms showed high levels of IFN-γ for up to 31 months after initial infection. Researchers believe this may be the reason for the prolonged duration of Covid.

More than 60% of patients experienced at least some symptom relief during the study period, and participants who received the vaccine after infection had long-lasting COVID-19 symptoms and a significant reduction in IFN-γ production. , it was suggested that vaccination “improved” long-term symptoms of the new coronavirus. Go to the study.

Current treatments for long-lasting coronaviruses are only aimed at relieving symptoms rather than the underlying disease, but now that the underlying cause has been identified, treatments that specifically target long-lasting coronaviruses are now available. There is hope that it may help pave the way for administration to some patients. This is a definitive diagnosis,” study co-author Benjamin Krishna, a researcher at the University of Cambridge, said in a statement.

important quotes

“The number of people with long-term illness from COVID-19 is gradually decreasing, and vaccination appears to be playing an important role in this,” Krishna said. “However, new cases are still occurring, and the big question is what will happen when the next coronavirus pandemic occurs. If we could understand now what causes the coronavirus to persist, it would be extremely helpful. It could give us a head start.”

big number

65 million. According to a 2023 study, this many people around the world are suffering from long-term coronavirus infections. study. CDC Estimation Approximately 6% of American adults in June 2023 had experienced a long-term COVID-19 infection at some point in their lives.

What to watch out for

Researchers believe further research is needed to create subgroups of the disease, as there are several long-lasting coronavirus symptoms, each of which can be very different from each other. Researchers say it is “unlikely” that all symptoms are caused by the same cause, as some patients recover while others do not, and future studies will investigate why this is the case. It is said that it is necessary.

Main background

Several risk factors play a role in who is more susceptible to long-term COVID-19 infection. according to According to the National Institutes of Health, underlying health conditions such as obesity or diabetes, not having been vaccinated, having had a severe COVID-19 infection or hospitalization, older age, and being female are all risk factors. Long-term coronavirus infection can affect multiple organs and body systems, including the heart, lungs, kidneys, reproductive system, and brain, and can lead to other health conditions such as kidney disease, autoimmune diseases, and diabetes. there is. Other experts are trying to determine what causes the coronavirus to persist for so long.Several the study They hypothesize that small blood clots that persist for long periods of time within cells may be responsible for some symptoms. Microcoagulation can trigger an inflammatory response, leading to fatigue and fatigue, two of the most common symptoms of long-term coronavirus infections. Science Advances researchers believe this new finding suggests that microcoagulation is not the only or most important cause, but it does not rule it out. According to a 2022 paper, a decline in certain anti-inflammatory gut microbiota (which triggers an inflammatory response) during and after the COVID-19 outbreak may also lead to a prolonged COVID-19 infection. It is said that there is. study. Another theory is that the coronavirus itself, rather than the body's response to it, causes long-term COVID-19 infection by damaging or changing cells, causing persistent symptoms. says another Science Advances magazine. paper.




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