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Farm faces cattle restrictions due to violation of bovine tuberculosis rules

Farm faces cattle restrictions due to violation of bovine tuberculosis rules


Eleven farms have been placed under restriction after three men breached regulations aimed at preventing the spread of bovine tuberculosis.

Staffordshire County Council said the three farmers were given suspended prison sentences after being told they could not remove the animals until authorities were satisfied they were disease-free.

Sean Lundy, 48, of Madeley, pleaded guilty to three counts of fraud for falsely stating that cattle had been inspected before being sold at market.

Mark Oulton, 53, of Barthomley Road, Audley, and Christopher Armstrong, 46, of Lime Kiln Farm, Kidsgrove, both pleaded guilty to failing to report cattle movements and cattle deaths. Ta.

Animal health officials said Alton and Armstrong moved cattle on multiple dates throughout 2020 without completing required records.

They each raised cows at Pear Tree Farm in Audley. This farm was previously farmed by Randy.

The council said Lundy had been evicted from the farm earlier this year and had been selling his cattle through three livestock markets across England and Wales.

They claimed that Lundy gave false dates and said he had tested negative for bovine tuberculosis when in fact the test had never been done.

At Stoke-on-Trent Crown Court on Thursday, Lundy was sentenced to 14 months in prison, suspended for 18 months, and ordered to pay £1,355 costs.

He was also ordered to undertake 100 hours of unpaid work and pay 11 farmers £200 each as compensation for losses they suffered as a result of his actions.

Mr Oulton was sentenced to 48 weeks in prison, suspended for 18 months, and ordered to pay £5,000 in costs.

A 26-week curfew was also imposed between 9pm and 5am.

Armstrong was sentenced to 58 weeks in prison, suspended for 18 months, and ordered to pay £5,000 in costs.

Victoria Wilson, cabinet member for trading standards, said: “Animal diseases such as bovine tuberculosis cost farmers and taxpayers a lot of money and can be devastating to herds that have been built up over generations. It could have an impact.”

“Mr. Lundy's actions were reckless and it is only right that farmers affected by his decision to move cattle without the required testing should be compensated.”




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