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Pfizer RSV vaccine protects older adults over two seasons

Pfizer RSV vaccine protects older adults over two seasons
Pfizer RSV vaccine protects older adults over two seasons


respiratory syncytial virus vial.

Manjurul | iStock | Getty Images

pfizervaccine against RS virus maintained protection senior citizen Across 2 whole seasons On Thursday, the company announced its understanding of the disease in ongoing late-stage clinical trials.

The shot's effectiveness fell slightly compared to protection levels after one season for RSV, but new data shows the jab generally offers durable protection for adults over 60. suggests that. more vulnerable Serious illness caused by RSV.of launch Pfizer's vaccine, known as Abrysvo; glaxosmithkline The past year has proven to be a boon for both companies. account for hundreds of people Millions of units were introduced to the market in just six months.

The single-dose Pfizer vaccine is 77.8% effective against more severe lower respiratory disease with three or more symptoms by the second season, up from 88.9% efficacy after the first season. decreased. These symptoms include wheezing, shortness of breath, rapid and shallow breathing, and mucus production.

Initial data on more than 37,000 participants in the northern and southern hemispheres showed the vaccine was about 55.7% effective against mild symptoms with two or more symptoms after season two. After one season of RSV, the jab was 66.7% effective against the condition.

Pfizer noted that the vaccine showed consistent efficacy against RSV A and RSV B, the two major subtypes of the virus, after the second RSV season. The shot was particularly effective at more than 80% for each type of patient with more severe lower respiratory disease.

After two seasons, no new adverse events were reported by patients.

The results were announced ahead of Thursday's meeting of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's advisory committee to consider whether older adults should be vaccinated against respiratory syncytial virus every year or every other year.

Analysts don't expect the commission to issue its final recommendations until June, but the decision could have major societal implications. modern,In other words Looking forward to the launch This year we will be using our own RSV jab.

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Jefferies analyst Michael Yee said in a note last week that there was a 50-70% chance the panel would recommend annual vaccinations, which would give Moderna “at least the same market share as Pfizer and GSK.” The company said it believes it will be in a position to achieve this goal. He noted that GSK's biennial recommendations, based on data from two seasons of shots, would be “less competitive” for Moderna.

In older adults, the GSK shot showed cumulative symptoms. Effectiveness 67.2% Prevents lower respiratory tract disease over two RSV seasons. This compares to 82.6% after one season of the virus.

GSK's vaccine has reserved around £1.2 billion ($1.5 billion) Last year's sales. Meanwhile, Pfizer's vaccine, which is also approved for pregnant women who can pass protection on to their children, recorded revenue of about $890 million in 2023.

According to the CDC, RSV kills between 6,000 and 10,000 older adults each year, resulting in 60,000 to 160,000 hospitalizations.

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