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CDC suspends 5-day coronavirus isolation guidance: number of shots

CDC suspends 5-day coronavirus isolation guidance: number of shots


The CDC has overhauled its COVID-19 isolation guidelines, saying the virus is no longer as much of a threat to public health as it was years ago.

Markus Schreiber/Associated Press



Markus Schreiber/Associated Press

The CDC has overhauled its COVID-19 isolation guidelines, saying the virus is no longer as much of a threat to public health as it was years ago.

Markus Schreiber/Associated Press

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is suspending its five-day quarantine guidance for coronavirus patients.

The agency announced on Friday: Last month's report That policy change is on the way.

People who have tested positive so far are advised to stay home Stay for at least 5 days to reduce the chance of spreading coronavirus to others. The CDC has now replaced this with: General guidance For people infected with a respiratory virus who have a fever, sneeze, and cough.

The gist?

“If you're sick, stay home and stay away from others,” says CDC Director Dr. Mandy Cohen.

Instead of setting a strict five-day isolation period, the new guidance allows people to return to normal activities as long as their symptoms improve, continue to improve for at least 24 hours, and are fever-free without the use of fever-reducing medications. It is said that it is okay to do so.

The guidance also recommends that people recovering from a respiratory illness take additional precautions for five days, including wearing a mask properly, washing their hands, keeping their distance from others, and improving space ventilation. There is.

“We wanted to provide simple, actionable things that people can remember and do to protect themselves,” Cohen said, adding that the country is “on the brink of COVID-19.” are in a different situation,” he added.

The agency said in a statement that the decision reflects “our progress in protecting against serious illness caused by COVID-19,” and that a unified approach will make it easier for Americans to follow recommendations. He said it would increase the chances of being hired.

A CDC study shows that less than half of people are tested for COVID-19 at home, and many people don't know if they have the virus. Data from California and Oregon, which have already adopted the policy, as well as other countries, shows that changes in guidance likely won't result in a significant change in disease transmission. According to research, more than half of coronavirus cases are transmitted by people who do not have symptoms at the time. And many people who contracted COVID-19 weren't isolating anyway.

But while the change was expected, some public health officials see it as the latest evidence that the CDC is no longer taking the threat of COVID-19 seriously enough. facing criticism.

“This proposal is not based on new data.” [on COVID transmission],” Said Dr. Kim RoseAn epidemiologist at the University of California, San Francisco, said in an email from an advocacy group. People CDC.

“In fact, well-designed studies conducted in the post-omicron and post-vaccination periods show that the novel coronavirus is often transmitted over long distances.” Beyond the 5th day It’s an infectious disease,” she said.

Others believe the updated guidance is a common sense change that reflects current reality. “COVID-19 is still a threat, but so is influenza, and so is RSV,” he said. Raynard Washington, Mecklenburg County Health Director based in Charlotte, North Carolina. “What this guidance does is tailor the guidance to address all of those challenges, not just one.”

The number of deaths and hospitalizations due to COVID-19 increased this winter, but not as much as in previous years. in fact, The hospital was mostly fine. — Not overwhelmed — this virus season.

Still, nearly 20,000 people are hospitalized each week with the new coronavirus. Caitlin Jetelinaan epidemiologist who advises the CDC.

“I really don't want us to throw up our hands and say, 'This is what happens when you get 20,000 people hospitalized a week,' because that's not acceptable,” she says.

Most of the hospitalizations and deaths have been among people 65 and older, especially those who did not receive the booster shot last fall. About 95% of people hospitalized with the coronavirus did not receive the fall booster shot, according to CDC data.

“Just being over 65 doesn't mean you're at higher risk,” the CDC's Dr. Cohen said. “Being over 65 and not getting vaccinated does put you at higher risk.”

Jetelina said what could really make a big difference is getting more people vaccinated once a year for the flu and twice a year for COVID-19 so they don't get sick. In such cases, he says, the idea is to start administering antiviral drugs.

This week, the CDC recommended a spring coronavirus booster shot for people 65 and older.

“We have to reach those people, and that's a lot of work,” she says.




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