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Parents struggle to find ADHD medication for their children as shortages persist

Parents struggle to find ADHD medication for their children as shortages persist


Redwood City, California — Kristin Coronado of Redwood City, Northern California, find ADHD medication Her son, Dom, could be in trouble.

“I'm a mother looking for medicine for my son,” Coronado told CBS News. “I'm not a drug dealer, that's what they make me feel like. I tried different pharmacies and that led me to pharmacy to pharmacy…you deal with it yourself.”

Dom, 6, is taking a generic version of dexmethylphenidate, sold under the trade name. Focalin XR, made by Lanette. Focalin XR, like other ADHD medications, contains controlled substances that are highly regulated by the Drug Enforcement Administration.

U.S. drug companies say they're manufacturing as much as they can, but patients and clinics still have to continue shopping at pharmacies to find it.

“As soon as a child stops taking their medication, untreated ADHD symptoms return,” says Dr. Jennifer Holten, a child psychiatrist and medical director of Emory University's Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Clinic. “…They take actions that may harm them or take their lives.”

Coronado showed CBS News a spreadsheet listing 25 local pharmacies she regularly contacts to fill her son's prescriptions.

“Tomorrow we have to count how many doses are left, see how many days it will last, and then start the process all over again,” Coronado said.

Prescriptions for ADHD drugs are on the rise in the united states and In the world In the wake of COVID-19 and drug administration Predict Medical use of amphetamines, methylphenidate, and lisdexamfetamine to treat ADHD and other problems in the United States is expected to increase by 3.1% in 2024.

The FDA said earlier this year that this was due to “an increase in prescribing that may be related to the growth of telemedicine, supply chain issues, manufacturing and quality issues, and manufacturer business decisions.” continuing shortage.

Each year, the DEA sets a cap on the production of ADHD drugs.

Pharmaceutical companies argue that the DEA needs to release more controlled substances. The DEA counters that drug companies are not using up their supply.

Neither Lannett nor the Drug Enforcement Administration provided comment to CBS News.

In the middle are kids like Dom.

“We have to deal with it,” Holten said. “These children, these families deserve better recognition.”

Coronado finally finds a refill for Dom's medicine. He will be ready for at least another month.

Alexander Tin contributed to this report.




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