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Measles vaccine maker reports shortage in Canada as cases rise – National

Measles vaccine maker reports shortage in Canada as cases rise – National



2 companies supplying measles vaccine It claims there is a shortage of doses to Canada.


The announcement was made in conjunction with health authorities as the highly contagious disease spread across the country. I urge Canadians to be fully vaccinated. Please be careful not to get sick, especially before traveling.

Pharmaceutical giants Merck and GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) have posted reports to Canadian financial institutions. Drug shortage website This means there is a shortage of the MMR vaccine used to immunize against measles, mumps and rubella, with the remaining vaccines being reserved for public immunization programs.

Both companies cited “increased demand for the drug” as the reason. The remaining doses of the MMR II vaccine are “reserved for the public immunization program,” according to Merck's post. GlaxoSmithKline said similarly about the Priorix shot, saying it is “unavailable to supply on the private market.”

According to Merck's filing, the company expects the shortage to end in nearly a month, on April 19. GlaxoSmithKline's expected termination date is “unknown.”

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Merck also reported that the MMRV jab Proquad, which immunizes against measles as well as the varicella virus, is expected to be in short supply from March 22 to April 19.

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Canada is experiencing a shortage due to the measles epidemic, but the cuts are likely to only affect people who want a booster shot before traveling.

“That's the additional supply that we're getting now for people who are saying, 'I'm going to go to Europe, and I know there's a lot of measles in Europe.' So, um, I don't remember. Did you get your second shot?'' Gerald Evans, head of infectious diseases at Queen's University, told Global News.

“One group of people we are very concerned about are now adults who were born in the 1970s,” he said. The reason for this is that those born before then may have already contracted measles and survived and may have developed immunity, while those born after that time may have received two vaccinations. This is likely because they are fully vaccinated, he said.

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The federal government declared it removed from Canada in 1998 after a vaccination campaign, but last week Public Health Ontario said: The number of confirmed cases in 2024 was higher than all of last year., the number of locations has increased from seven in 2023 to eight as of March 13.According to a report from Quebec 29 cases as of March 20th.Including other prefectures saskatchewan and british columbia Infections have also been reported.

Evans said Canada always sees occasional travel-related cases because people who are not fully vaccinated can become infected overseas.

What the country is seeing this year is the result of a “huge decline” in measles vaccinations, particularly for children, he said.

“A lot of that is due to the unfortunate spinoff from COVID-19, where anti-vaccination groups are co-opting the COVID-19 vaccine,” he said.

Evans said the spread of infection among people with no travel history indicates that “the virus is sneakily infiltrating the population,” adding, “There is concern that an epidemic of infectious diseases will begin.” It really creates a situation where we can do that.” measles. “

But he said Canada's vaccination rate is high, so Canadians don't likely need to worry about excessive public health measures.

Two doses of the vaccine are nearly 100 percent effective. According to Health Canada.

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Measles infection status and how to protect yourself

The vaccine is given as two doses, with the first dose given at around 12 to 15 months of age and the second dose at 18 months of age or between 5 and 6 years of age (before the child starts school) .

The World Health Organization says: Many vaccinations have been suspended around the world due to the new coronavirus infection..

On March 19, Kate O'Brien, WHO's head of immunization, said it was “critically important” that this situation be reversed.

More than 50 countries have reported “massive and devastating” measles outbreaks in the past year, double the number from the previous year.

Although measles can cause a rash and flu-like symptoms, Evans emphasized that measles is not a benign disease, saying “the incidence is about 1 in 1,000 people.” [people infected with] Measles will kill you, and you will die from brain inflammation. ” Some people may suffer long-term health effects, he added.

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He said it is so contagious that one measles patient can infect 18 susceptible people, compared to three or four with COVID-19.

“Measles is one of the most contagious infectious diseases, and if you are susceptible you can easily spread it to others,” Health Canada previously told Global News.

Dr. Allen Grill, chief of family medicine at Markham-Stouffville Hospital in suburban Toronto, said local and provincial public health officials have reassured him they have enough supplies.

“We don't see that kind of shortage in our office. And I've never heard of it being an issue among my colleagues, at least in my region and York Region,” he said. Told.

Click to play video:

Spring travel could spark measles outbreak, Canada's top doctor says

He said the primary focus is on children who were delayed in getting vaccinated during the pandemic and people who don't know if they've received two doses, which can be determined by a blood test.

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Merck said in a statement to Global News on Thursday that it is aware of the shortage and is committed to “providing a stable supply of (measles vaccine) in a timely manner.”

“From a global perspective, current demand exceeds available production capacity and we are prioritizing our existing efforts,” GSK said in a statement.

“MMR vaccines are complex and lead times make it difficult to scale up quickly in the event of an urgent need. We expect this situation to continue into 2024 and 2025. “However, GSK continues to meet public market demand for Priorix.”

Health Canada did not respond to a request for comment by deadline.

— Katie Dangerfield, Gabby Rodriguez and Katherine Ward of Global News, Jennifer Rigby of Reuters, with files from The Associated Press

© 2024 Global News, a division of Corus Entertainment Inc.




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