Why are more young people getting cancer like Kate Middleton?

The American Cancer Society says people under 50 are only one of three adult age groups where overall cancer incidence increases.

The Duchess of Cambridge's announcement on Friday that she has been diagnosed with cancer at the age of 42 means she joins a worrying trend of rising cancer rates among young people.
In fact, people under 50 were the only of the three adult age groups to see an increase in overall cancer incidence from 1995 to 2020. The American Cancer Society stated: In the January report.
This phenomenon has public health experts and researchers searching for answers, calling for faster cancer screening and greater awareness among young people about the potential risks.
“Data shows that in recent years there has been an increase in cancers not typically seen in young people, including colorectal, cervical, breast and endometrial cancers.” states. neil maniaDirector of the Master of Public Health Program at Northeastern University.

“What we're seeing in Kate's case is one of the highest-profile cases of cancer among young people,” said former director of the American Cancer Society in the New England region. said Mania, who previously served as vice president of the health system.
“There really should be a call for all of us to get tested and take all the necessary precautions,” he says.
Scientists say they still don't understand the cause of cancer surge in young people brian springa cancer researcher and Northeastern associate professor of physics.
“You wonder what's going on,” he says. “We're getting smarter and smarter about carcinogens in technology and the food industry. There may be unknown factors that we haven't discovered.”
Cancer is most likely to be diagnosed in adults over 65, so when King Charles III, 75, announced in early February that he had been diagnosed with an unspecified cancer, people were concerned but shocked. I didn't receive it.
However, Duchess Kate's video announcement that she had started preventive chemotherapy after testing positive for cancer was shocking.
Duchess Kate, married to Prince William, heir to the British throne, enjoys the image of a healthy, happy working royal and mother of three young children, Prince George, 10, and Princess Charlotte, 8. did it. and Prince Louis, 5 years old.
A cancer diagnosis has dire consequences at any age, whether in the 50-64 age group, the 65+ age group, or the 18-49 age group studied by the American Cancer Society.
People in the youngest adult group are traditionally considered to be in the prime of life. This means they are either emerging adults as students, establishing careers, and often becoming parents or planning to have children.
“Not all symptoms indicate cancer, but it's very important to get tested if you're not feeling well,” Mania says. “Young people have an increased risk of cancer. That's perfectly clear.”
He argues that young people should get screened as soon as possible, but for colonoscopies, the old screening age of 50 has been changed to 45.
“There's a reason for that,” Mania says. “Incidence of colorectal cancer has increased in people under 50.”
According to the American Cancer Society, there has been a marked increase in colorectal diagnoses among people under 50, and colorectal is now the leading cause of cancer death in men under 50, with It ranks second among women.
Developing fluid biopsies and other non-invasive approaches that can indicate when it's time to have a colonoscopy or other major tests could benefit young people who are strapped for time and money. says Spring.
“We really need something that's inexpensive and can be done at home,” he says.
People under the age of 45 can usually be referred for a colonoscopy if they have a family history of cancer. And those under 45 who are concerned can take the Cologuard test at home, which indicates the need for a follow-up colonoscopy, Mania said.
“Early detection is key,” Mania says. “It's important to talk to your health care provider.”
Middleton has not disclosed what type of cancer she has, but said that tests after abdominal surgery in January revealed she had a malignant tumor and that she is in the early stages of preventive treatment. .
“The best-case scenario is that they're just being cautious,” Spring said, adding that the chemotherapy was a preventative measure and the cancer was confined to the organ that was operated on.
“The good news is that she looks young and healthy. If she can undergo chemotherapy, we will hopefully be able to prevent further progression of the disease,” he says.
Given the statistics, Mania says a youthful sense of invincibility is no longer appropriate. “Young people have this sense of, 'I've been exercising a lot.' That's why I'm having all this pain.” They don't have to worry about that in their age group. I feel that there is not. ”
“You want to know, and you want to know as soon as possible. We understand that young people between the ages of 18 and 49 need to be concerned about this,” Mania says.
He advises people of all ages to eat a healthy diet, exercise, and quit smoking if they smoke.
“Please get tested,” the maniac says. “This is a serious problem.”
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