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People under 50 have more cases of colon cancer, study says

People under 50 have more cases of colon cancer, study says


Phoenix (3TV/CBS 5)colorectal cancer Currently, cancer is the leading cause of death among men under the age of 50, and the second leading cause of death among women.

March is National Colon Cancer Awareness Month And doctors are working to better understand why infections are increasing among young people.

“I felt scared and at the same time it felt like I was numb,” Lorena Guillen said.

She was only 34 when she was diagnosed with stage 4 metastatic colon cancer. At the time, she was also 24 weeks pregnant with her second child.

“Is she feeling what I'm feeling too? What will happen? Will this affect her?” she wondered.

To give herself and her baby a fighting chance, the medical team induced labor when she was 30 weeks old. Her daughter Maylene spent some time in the NICU, but she was born healthy.

Less than a month later, Guillen started chemotherapy.

“I was only 34 years old. I didn't smoke. I didn't drink. I didn't do drugs. I was eating healthy,” she said.

She said she raised concerns with her doctor about heartburn, fatigue and back pain even before she became pregnant, but was told the symptoms were nothing to worry about.

By the time the cancer was found, it had already spread to her lungs and cervix, she said. From now on, she will need some kind of treatment for the rest of her life and her chemotherapy will cause her hair to fall out.

“Every hair makes a difference in my day here,” she says.

she Oncologist Dr. Tanios Bekai-Saabshe said she's not alone.

“My youngest child was a 16-year-old patient,” said Dr. Bekai-Saab.

Although mortality rates among older adults have continued to decline for decades, mortality rates among those under age 50 continue to increase.

a Mayo Clinic's new program The aim is to investigate the reasons and provide specialized care to young patients.

“If you look back over the past 20 years, the chance of getting colorectal cancer went from 10%, or 1 in 10 people under 55, to now 1 in 5,” says Bekaii. – said Dr. Saab.

Guillen wants to encourage others to listen to their bodies and advocate for their health. It has been seven years since her diagnosis and she is filled with gratitude.

“I never thought I'd see my child start school. Now she's a freshman. I never thought I'd get to meet my oldest high school graduate. She's a freshman in college.” said Guillen. “So this is a miracle.”

In recent years, the age for receiving a colonoscopy has been lowered. Previously, people with an average risk of colorectal cancer had a risk of 50. He is currently 45 years old. Experts said colonoscopies were extremely important and could save lives.

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