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Are you allergic or do you have a cold?

Are you allergic or do you have a cold?


Symptom detective: Is it an allergy or a cold? stock photos

As temperatures rise, flowers bloom, and viruses continue to spread, it can be difficult to determine whether this is the last gasp of cold season or the beginning of a new allergy season. Both have similar symptoms, such as sneezing, coughing, and runny nose, and can be signs of a cold, allergies, or both.

We are a suffering nation. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, seasonal allergies affect approximately 25% of adults in the United States. Add to that the fact that adults get an average of one cold every year and kids an average of two, and with tons of tissues and lots of tissue usage, you need immediate relief.

Want an easy way to tell the two apart? Here's how to assess your symptoms.


Sneezing may indicate either disease, but sneezing itself may indicate an allergy.

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  • allergy: Allergies are more common in causing the need to sneeze.

  • cold: Sneezing is not the main symptom of a cold. Unless you have a fever, body aches, or sore throat, allergies are likely the culprit.

sore throat

Assess your pain threshold. If you have pain when swallowing, you most likely have a cold.

  • allergy: Postnasal drip is a common symptom in people who suffer from hay fever and is caused when mucus from the nose and sinuses drips down the throat. When this condition worsens, you may experience a stinging sore throat.

  • cold: A painful sore throat that makes it difficult to swallow is a more typical cold symptom, especially if the tonsils are red or swollen.

Symptom detective: Are you allergic or cold? Photo material 2


Consistency is key, so keep an eye on your time.

  • allergy: This is usually an irritating dry cough with a tickling sensation in the throat.

  • cold: It may be dry, but it is usually moist or filled with phlegm. And if it occurs in fits and starts and wakes you up during the night, this type of cough usually indicates a cold.


Different colors and densities may indicate different conditions.

  • allergy: It is transparent, thin, and appears to have an infinite supply.

  • cold: It is usually thick (which causes congestion) and yellow or greenish.


If your symptoms are severe, you may have a cold.

  • allergy: For example, it can be done slowly over several weeks in the spring when trees and grasses are pollinated.

  • cold: It usually develops over several days.


If symptoms persist for more than a few weeks, the tree may be your enemy.

  • allergy: Depending on where you live, it can last an entire season or longer.

  • cold: It may take several weeks to conquer.

Colds and allergies can cause similar symptoms, but if your symptoms persist for more than two weeks, contact your health care professional. If you have another possibility, such as allergies or sinusitis, it can help relieve your symptoms.

The Lee Enterprises newsroom was not involved in the creation of this content.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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