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How to increase the number of good bacteria in your intestines and how to remove bad bacteria

How to increase the number of good bacteria in your intestines and how to remove bad bacteria
How to increase the number of good bacteria in your intestines and how to remove bad bacteria


Clostridium butyrate, eubacteria rectum and Roseburia There are also other bugs that produce butyrate. Research shows that following a Mediterranean diet can increase the numbers present in your gut. Roseburia It goes especially well with walnuts and almonds.

moreover, Clostridium butyrate According to Dr Bunmi Omoloshonmwane, a lecturer in microbiology at Nottingham Trent University who has researched gut bacteria extensively, reducing colitis (inflammation of the intestines) and associated with a lower risk of colorectal cancer. It has been shown that this is the case. “It's found naturally in foods like vegetables and sour milk,” she says.

called Y-shaped bacteria Bifidobacterium It is also found throughout our digestive system. These insects digest fiber, fight infections, and produce B vitamins and healthy fatty acids. Dr Jens Walter, professor of ecology, food and microbiome at University College Cork in Ireland, said: 'A Mediterranean diet, which includes plant foods, nuts and healthy oils, increases the abundance of these beneficial bacteria. “This is shown by many reliable studies.”

All of these bugs feed on fiber to promote a healthy microbiome and bacteria produce other compounds that are beneficial to gut health, so eating plenty of fiber is key to ensuring a rich source. , says Dr. Duncan. Fiber also increases stool volume, reduces constipation, and helps remove toxins from the intestines, she points out.

“The types of bacteria that exist in our bodies are intestines The intestinal environment is greatly influenced by what we eat, so eating a balanced diet that includes fiber-rich foods and vegetables will contribute to a healthy gut.'' The doctor agrees. “Eating a rich variety of foods is always a good idea to achieve gut microbial diversity.”

But Dr. Ho points out that it's not all about what we eat. “Data shows that lifestyle factors include stress avoidance, stress avoidance, and stress reduction. good sleepholistic health measures such as taking time to eat, socializing during meals, eating regularly, and exercise all contribute to gut health, he added.

What are bad bacteria and how can I get rid of them?

Although most of the bugs in our intestines are beneficial to our health, there are some that can cause severe illness.

clostridium difficile is an example. This bug is able to take up residence in our intestines without causing any harm because our friendly bacteria keep it in check. However, taking antibiotics disrupts this delicate balance and promotes growth. This can cause issues such as: clostridium difficile An infection that causes diarrhea, fever, and nausea. Dr. Ho explains that older adults are especially at risk because their microbiomes become less diverse as we age.

According to Dr. Omoloshonmwane, increasing the number of good bacteria in the gut can prevent these bad bacteria from colonizing the body and causing disease.

Bilophila wasworthiaWhat looks like microscopic grains of rice can also cause problems. About 6 out of 10 people have it in their gut, and at low levels it forms part of a healthy microbiome. But eating lots of foods high in saturated fat, such as fatty meats, cheese and chocolate, can increase levels and cause inflammation, Dr. Walter says.

However, you can easily manage this by cutting down on these foods. “When you eat a healthy diet, your microbiome produces health-promoting metabolites. And when you eat a less healthy diet, especially the Western diet, which tends to be high in fat and sugar, your gut microbiome “produces metabolites that are good for health. They are harmful,” he says.

For example, he explains, eating a very refined diet low in fiber causes the microbiome to rebel against the mucosal lining of the gut, reducing the body's defenses against harmful bacteria.

After all, healthy eating is key. “Eat lots of plant-based foods, fiber, and healthy fats, and avoid saturated fats and processed foods, especially processed meats,” Dr. Walter added.

What are the signs of good or bad gut health?

Professor Spector points out that good gut health requires a diverse range of beneficial bacteria within the microbiome. But how do you know what microorganisms look like? There are some easy ways to find out.

“A sign of good gut health is being able to consume normal amounts of food without causing distressing symptoms,” he points out. Good energy levels and sleep quality are also strong microbiome markers, Dr. Ho added.

“Gastrointestinal discomfort or irregular bowel movements can indicate that your intestines are not functioning optimally, but gut health affects your overall health in many ways, so There are many different signs of poor gut health,” says Professor Spector.

Less obvious signs of poor gut health include unintentional weight loss and lightheadedness, which indicates poor absorption of nutrients. Regular infections because much of the immune system is rooted in the gut. There's also a link between the gut and mental health, including anxiety and depression, he added.

Is it worth getting tested or taking probiotics?

Dozens of companies currently offer gut microbiome testing. Typically, you collect a stool sample in a container, send it to a lab, and wait for scientists to report back on what bacteria they find.

Zoe is one of the most popular options. Professor Spector said customers will receive a breakdown of how many of the 50 “good” bacteria and 50 “bad” bacteria are in the sample, as well as a microbiome “score”.

“People who have a greater proportion of 'good' seeds compared to 'bad' seeds are likely to have better markers of metabolic health.” [such as blood sugar, blood pressure and cholesterol levels] than those with proportions in the opposite direction. ” he says. “Understanding the state of your gut microbiome is a great way to motivate yourself to eat a healthy and diverse diet.”

However, the charity Guts UK says that while microbiome tests may be interesting, such tests do not give a complete picture of how healthy the gut is, and only detect all the bacteria in a person's microbiome. It points out that it is not detectable and that individual results vary. It varies from sample to sample.

“I would argue that we don't really need advice from these companies,” says Dr. Walter. “If you're eating a healthy diet, you're very likely to benefit from it, regardless of what your microbiome looks like. So I'm probably more interested in encouraging people to eat healthy. I support it.”

Other options touted for improving gut health include: probiotics – Take live bacteria and yeast as a supplement or add them to yogurt, aimed at restoring a healthy balance of bacteria in your gut. However, it is technically classified as a food, so it is not regulated.

“I don't think there's enough evidence that taking probiotics generally maintains health or contributes to disease prevention,” says Dr. Walter. “I think there is some good evidence for the targeted use of probiotics for irritable bowel syndrome and certain infections.

“Even for us professionals, choosing the right probiotic is very difficult. We are here in the West and it is very difficult to get reliable scientific information about which probiotics to use. Because it's difficult.”

Dr. Ho added that it is difficult to use probiotics in the long term to change gut bacterial counts because probiotics are “not a panacea.”




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