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What Vermonters Need to Know About Colorectal Cancer

What Vermonters Need to Know About Colorectal Cancer


Colorectal cancer is the third most common cancer for men and women in Vermont and the second leading cause of cancer-related death in the state. Dr. Randy Holcomb, Director of the University of Vermont Cancer Center and colorectal cancer expert.

However, colorectal cancer is preventable and highly treatable. Regular examinations can help with early detection and improve survival rates.

“If it's caught early and occurs locally, the five-year survival rate is about 80%,” he said. Vermont version. “Unfortunately, if it's discovered in a state where it has metastasized or metastasized, meaning it's stage 4 cancer, the five-year survival rate is only about 11%. So trying to catch cancer early That makes a big difference.”

A recent report from the American Cancer Society found that the incidence of colorectal cancer is significantly increasing among people in their 20s, 30s, and 40s, while the incidence is decreasing among people 65 and older. .

Dr. Holcomb said the incidence remains much higher in people over 50, and that incidence has continued to decline over the past 20 years. However, the incidence among people under the age of 50 is increasing. Citing an increase in colorectal diagnoses in people under 50, the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force lowered the recommended age for screening to 45 in 2021.

She said cancer is often detected at a later stage in younger people because people aren't getting tested in their 20s, 30s and early 40s.

If colorectal cancer runs in your family or if you are experiencing unusual symptoms, you should talk to your doctor about the possibility of getting tested earlier than age 45.

“if [you’re] If you have symptoms, you should be persistent and tell your doctor about them and discuss the possibility of getting screened. “I think a lot of primary care physicians aren't used to seeing patients in their 30s with cancer,” Dr. Holcomb said.

Kaki McGearyA rectal cancer survivor in Essex, Vermont, urged people to get tested. When she was diagnosed in 2015, she was 43 years old and considered herself a healthy and active person. She noticed a change in her bowel movements and after hearing about another mother in her community who had died from colorectal cancer, she decided to see a doctor.

She said treatment took a year and included chemotherapy, radiation therapy and two surgeries. She said it was important to her to share her story so others can listen to their bodies and seek medical help early.

“Don't wait. A colonoscopy is actually not that bad,” she said. “That's nothing compared to what you'll experience if you end up having to undergo extensive cancer treatment.”

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