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Key points: Avian influenza in one dairy herd, mpox cases on the rise in the US, polio in Africa

Key points: Avian influenza in one dairy herd, mpox cases on the rise in the US, polio in Africa


mpox virus
NIAID/Flickr cc

They found that from 1970 to 2021, mpox cases were detected year-round in equatorial Africa, but seasonally in tropical regions of the Northern Hemisphere. analysis Among the 133 zoonotic index cases led by researchers at the Pasteur Institute in Paris.

was announced on emerging infectious diseasesthis study is based on peer review; “Gray” (alternative publication) literature on index mpox cases of zoonotic origin in Africa in a time frame of 50 years. The team too Remotely sensed meteorological, topographic, climate, seasonality, environmental, land use, land cover, and fire data were used.

“MPX, caused by monkeypox virus (MPXV), remains a neglected tropical zoonotic disease in forested Central and West Africa,” the authors write. “The epidemiology of MPX is poorly understood, and the animal reservoir of MPXV remains unknown.”

Climate change may exacerbate seasonal factors

Of the 133 index cases from 113 facilities, 64% were reported since 2000, with 86% Congo Basin/Clade 1 viruses and 13% West Africa/Clade 2 viruses. The Democratic Republic of the Congo accounted for 44% of cases. , the Central African Republic accounted for 33%.

Determining whether certain seasons or periods increase the risk of human infection can improve prevention and surveillance efforts and contribute to identifying sources of infection in animals.

Cases have been identified in central latitude 3.44 degrees north and vary widely from month to month. Most infections occurred at lower latitudes from January to July (excluding April), but mainly at higher latitudes from August to December. Index cases were primarily identified in equatorial cool climates (33%), northern cool humid-dry climates (35%), and northern hot humid-dry climates (17%).

The researchers noted that August to March, which spans the last three months of the rainy season and the entire dry season, are potentially high-risk seasons. “This finding suggests that complex factors are likely related to human and wildlife ecology,” the researchers wrote. “Various seasonal activities can increase human-wildlife contact.”

Changes in climate and environment may exacerbate seasonal factors in MPXV exposure in humans, the authors said, adding, “Determining whether particular seasons or periods increase the risk of human infection may be It can improve prevention and surveillance efforts and contribute to the identification of animal reservoirs. This is why a true One Health approach is important.”




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