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The COVID vaccine program provided a “bridge” for uninsured adults, but has since run out of funding.

The COVID vaccine program provided a “bridge” for uninsured adults, but has since run out of funding.


Uninsured adults will no longer have the option to receive a free coronavirus vaccine this August, weeks before the latest vaccines are scheduled to be released for the respiratory virus season. .

Launched by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in 2023, the Bridge Access Program began as a way to connect U.S. adults with little or no health insurance to COVID vaccines. The program began just as vaccines were transitioning from federal control to the private market, complicating vaccine access for many people who previously had more freedom over where to get vaccinated.

Instead of offering the vaccine free to anyone who can get an appointment, people with health insurance can find a COVID-19 vaccine at a location approved by their insurance plan or get the vaccine at their own expense.

Raynard Washington, North Carolina's Mecklenburg County health director, said the rollout of the coronavirus vaccine early in the pandemic was a “great example of health equity” because “it wasn't about cost.”

But the end of federal coverage for COVID vaccinations last fall suddenly left millions of people without insurance or adequate coverage unable to get vaccinated. It's estimated that in 2022, 26 million Americans — about 8% of the U.S. population — have no health insurance. Peter G. Peterson Foundation.

In Charlotte, North Carolina, and the surrounding area, more than 1 in 10 residents lack health insurance, said Washington, who saw how the bridge program helped uninsured people get the vaccine that protects them against the risk of severe COVID infection after the pandemic public health emergency ended.

North Carolina's Medicaid expansion last December also helped connect people to the health insurance they needed, but “large numbers of adults remain left behind,” Washington added.

read more: How uninsured adults can get the coronavirus vaccine

More than 1.4 million COVID vaccine doses have been administered nationwide through the Bridge Access Program since September, including to more than 812,000 people who are uninsured, the release said. Email between CDC spokesperson and CBS News reporter. It was modeled on his successful children's vaccine program, which he started in 1994 in response to the measles epidemic. Prevented approximately 30 million hospitalizations and hundreds of millions of illnessesAccording to CDC estimates.

But in March, Congressional budget negotiations led to the slashing of $4.3 billion in additional COVID-19 funding from the Department of Health and Human Services, a move that ended the Bridge Program, which was set to expire in December and covered vaccinations this fall during the respiratory virus pandemic, ahead of schedule. Now, the program is set to run out of funding in August.

State and local public health departments are looking for ways to intervene, but these agencies have been chronically underfunded for years, even before the pandemic began. Now that COVID-related funding has dried up, these institutions have even fewer resources available.

Without the Bridge Access Program, “there will not be enough local resources to purchase vaccines for all the uninsured,” Washington said.

“This speaks to the importance of moving towards a universal vaccine,” he said.

Chrissy Juliano, executive director of the Big Cities Health Coalition, said federally qualified health centers could also step in and that a pool of federal funds called the Section 317 Vaccination Program Infrastructure Fund could help close the gap. These funds are intended to: Improving vaccine access, safety and effectiveness It can cover outreach and related programs, but it doesn't solve everything.

“We need to think creatively and get vaccines and other preventive services to those who need them most,” Giuliano said.




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