One health center opens office in HB as Orange County reports a daily record of 32 COVID-19 deaths
Orange County reported 32 new deaths from COVID-19 on Thursday, according to a statement by the Orange County Healthcare Agency.
Thirty-two deaths, including five skilled care home residents and three life support residents, represent the county’s daily high during the COVID-19 pandemic. The record of the day before was 31 deaths on Saturday.
COVID-19-related deaths in Orange County during the pandemic are currently 697.
Another option for testing was recently offered to locals as One Medical opened an office in Huntington Beach on July 29th. The office is located at 21034 Pacific Coast Highway, Level 2, Suite C230 in Pacific City.
Primary care providers are part of a new trend called concierge medicine, which offers both PCR and antibody testing for coronaviruses. Members pay an annual fee of $199 to gain greater access to primary care physicians, typically in smaller settings than traditional healthcare, and on-demand virtual care via mobile apps.
One Medical also opened its first Orange County office in Irvine on July 6, with more than 85 offices in large markets throughout the United States. In Orange County, we partner with specialized medical services through the Providence/Hog Memorial Hospital Press Veteran.
Dr. Natasha Buyan, Wang Medical’s West Coast Health Care Officer, said he will use the GETCARE30 code to provide a 30-day free membership to those concerned about COVID-19 during the pandemic.
Overall, Orange County reported 580 positive coronavirus tests Thursday, and the county reached 38,711 cumulative cases. Every day 3,330 PCR tests were received and a total of 448,087 tests were issued.
There are currently 517 hospitalizations for the virus, of which 171 are in the intensive care unit.
“Wide-area testing is one of the key pillars of public health that can combat and control pandemics in the long run,” said Bouyan. “People who do have active symptoms do want to prioritize them, but that about 40% of cases may be spread from asymptomatic or presyndromic people. I’m also aware that they may be at high risk of exposure. They may live with someone who is positive for COVID. Those people need access to tests as well. And…the other people at high risk are essential workers. You think of people in the grocery store or food service, and they are constantly at potential exposure.”
Bouyan said that OneMedical has the advantage of being able to provide guidance beyond testing as it is also the primary care platform.
“There are many short-term and long-term implications,” she said. “Some people have mild symptoms, others have fever for eight days, and people have headaches and diarrhea. I think it’s important to be able to manage test results as well as test. Some people have symptoms, but they test negatively, we are now in control, maybe your symptoms are due to asthma, or maybe what are your symptoms? Let’s manage the state because of other things.”
Dr. Michael Lee is One Medical’s Dean of Orange County.
Below are the latest cumulative coronavirus cases and COVID-19 deaths in selected cities.
- Santa Ana: 7,390. 188 deaths
- Anaheim: 6,615. 167 deaths
- Huntington Beach: 1,740. 49 deaths
- Costa Mesa: 1,266 cases. 12 deaths
- Irvine: 1,212. 10 deaths
- Newport Beach: 902. 11 death
- Fountain Valley: 370. 10 deaths
- Laguna Beach: 138. Less than 5 deaths.
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