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Why allergies are on the rise

Why allergies are on the rise – Yuri A // Shutterstock

Why allergies are on the rise

A woman using an inhaler.

about One in three American adults has some kind of allergy.According to the latest data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than one in four children suffers from a food allergy. These figures represent a dramatic increase in allergy cases in the population. It doubled between 2000 and 2018.

Northwell Health We partnered with Stacker to investigate the rising rate of allergies. National Health Interview Survey.

Allergies occur when the immune system misidentifies a substance or environment as a pathogen and overreacts, causing an exaggerated immune response that can include fatigue, swelling, rash, congestion, coughing, wheezing and anaphylaxis, according to the National Institutes of Health.

Ironically, the eradication of certain pathogens, such as parasites like hookworms and tapeworms, in the United States may have led to worsening allergy symptoms. According to this theory, when a known threat is gone, the immune system turns its attention to less threatening and often harmless “invaders.” To test this theory, some researchers have intentionally introduced parasites into their own bodies to assess their effect on allergic responses. This study (although limited in scope) suggested that introduction of parasites leads to immune suppression.

This data, coupled with recent findings, demonstrates the interconnectedness of the body's immune responses: while just over 7% of adult participants surveyed reported eczema, an Australian study demonstrated that the severity of infant eczema may ultimately lead to the development of food allergies.

Another factor linked to the surge in allergies is lack of exposure. To curb the rise in allergy cases, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommended in 2000 that children under the age of 3 not be exposed to peanuts, but lack of early exposure to the legume actually increased a child's chances of developing an allergy. Today, it's widely recommended that infants between the ages of 6 and 12 months be given peanuts.

Another theory suggests that the foods we eat today are incompatible with our internal microbiome, which evolved with us and was never designed to interact with processed foods.

However, the difference between an allergy and a sensitivity may not always be clear. A true allergic reaction to a food usually Difficulty breathing or low blood pressureIn contrast, food sensitivities cause less severe reactions, such as fatigue and general malaise, according to the Harvard Health Blog.

The Food and Drug Administration is responding to these advancements by updating its list of major food allergens, which requires labeling of all products that contain or contain derivatives of items on the known allergen risk list. As of 2023, the list includes peanuts, tree nuts, milk, eggs, wheat, fish, shellfish, soybeans, and sesame.

To find out more about why allergies are on the rise, keep reading.

Northwell Health

Seasonal allergies are the most common

The column chart shows that about one in three adults in the U.S. has some kind of allergy. Seasonal allergies, or “hay fever,” are the most common.

More than a quarter of American adults report experiencing seasonal allergies. Seasonal allergies are usually caused by environmental substances like ragweed, tree or grass pollen, or mold spores. However, environmental allergies aren't always seasonal. For some people, their immune system responds violently to substances that are present year-round, such as dust and dander.

Some researchers argue that seasonal allergies are being exacerbated by climate change because many plants are flowering more frequently and, in the case of ragweed in particular, are shedding pollen earlier and for a longer period of time.

Battling seasonal allergies for a long time can take a toll on your body in unexpected ways: According to the Harvard School of Public Health, the sugars in mucus attract bacteria, making allergy sufferers more susceptible to developing illness over time.

Fortunately, advances in immunotherapy options offer hope for treating and potentially curing allergies. Allergy injections and sublingual immunotherapy treatments work by gradually exposing patients to allergens to build tolerance, but are generally most effective against environmental allergens.

Northwell Health

Food allergies in children on the rise

Line graph showing improvements in allergies in children from 1997 to 1999. According to the most recent data, about 6 percent of children ages 0 to 17 have a food allergy. Changes in methodology make direct comparisons with past data difficult.

Although food allergies account for only 6% of all reported allergies, their presence in the population is growing rapidly. As a result, research into their prevention is also on the rise. As mentioned above, gradual exposure to allergens is quite different from previous advice.

In 2000, the AAP recommended delaying peanut exposure in children, but the academy retracted the recommendation after it was ineffective in reducing peanut allergies. New guidelines published by the Annals of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology in 2017 instruct parents to: Feeding children peanuts during infancy This is to reduce the chances of developing serious intolerances or allergies.

Preventing the development of allergies not only reduces the health risks associated with an exaggerated immune response, but also allows children to consume more nutritious foods. In fact, recent research on the effects of allergies suggests that long-term avoidance of food allergies may have significant effects on children's nutrition and development, according to the NIH. After all, with rates of pediatric hospitalizations due to anaphylaxis steadily increasing, prevention remains the best defense.

Story editors: Elsie Drexler and Nicole Caldwell. Copy editor: Tim Bruns.

This story Originally Northwell Health And produced,
Distributed in partnership with Stacker Studio.




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