Why head and neck cancer is on the rise among young people in India
Types of Head and Neck Cancer
Head and neck cancer is not limited to one type or location. It includes oral cavity, pharyngeal, thyroid, parotid, etc. In India, oral cavity and pharyngeal cancers are the most common forms of head and neck cancer. These cancers severely impact the quality of life by causing pain, disfigurement, and impairment of basic daily functions like eating and speaking, highlighting the importance of increased awareness and early prevention. These cancers pose significant health challenges, especially due to the widespread use of tobacco and alcohol, which are major lifestyle factors that contribute to the development of these cancers.
Tobacco and alcohol: the main causes
Tobacco and alcohol are Head and neck cancerIn India, tobacco use is widespread and takes various forms including smoking and chewing tobacco (gutka and paan). Of particular concern is the increasing prevalence of smoking, especially among young women, which is often attributed to the growing societal acceptance of the habit. Tobacco and alcohol consumption, when combined, synergistically increase the risk of developing oral and pharyngeal cancer. Studies have shown that smoking increases the risk of cancer three-fold and alcohol another three-fold, while when both are used together, the risk rises to nine times that of the general population.
Additionally, supari (betel nut), commonly consumed in tobacco-free products, is now recognized as a pre-carcinogen. This has been debated for some time, but current evidence suggests that there is a clear link between supari consumption and cancer risk. This has made India the head and neck cancer epicenter of the world with the highest number of cases in the world. As their widespread use continues and youth smoking increases, India is likely to continue to experience high rates of head and neck cancer.
A new threat: HPV-related throat cancer
In addition to traditional risk factors, there is an emerging threat of rising HPV-related throat cancer in India. Human papillomavirus (HPV) is a sexually transmitted virus that is transmitted through oral sex. Upon infection, HPV embeds itself in the DNA of cells in the lining of the throat and slowly transforms into cancerous cells. This type of cancer usually develops in the throat, back of the tongue, or tonsil area. While it is already endemic in the West, with 90% of throat cancers being HPV-related in some cities, India is also starting to see a rise in these cases. Experts predict a significant increase in HPV-related throat cancer over the next decade.
Experts explain what causes head and neck cancer
Misconceptions about e-cigarettes
E-cigarettes are often held up as a safer alternative to smoking and are becoming increasingly popular among young people. However, the long-term health effects of e-cigarettes are still not fully understood. Although e-cigarettes may be less harmful than smoking, they still inhale many chemicals that can damage the lungs and brain and cause cancer. It is important to recognize that e-cigarettes are not completely safe, and their health risks will become clearer as more data becomes available in the coming years.
Permanent Damage and Prevention
Quitting tobacco and alcohol significantly reduces but does not eliminate the risk of developing head and neck cancer. Some residual damage from these carcinogens is often permanent. Because the body has a limited ability to repair this damage, individuals remain at residual risk for cancer even decades after quitting smoking.
Preventing head and neck cancer requires a multifaceted approach. Public health campaigns should focus on discouraging smoking and alcohol initiation, especially among young people. Awareness of the risks of HPV and the importance of safe sexual practices should be raised. In addition, it is important to dispel misconceptions about e-cigarettes and highlight their potential risks.
(Author: Dr Deepak Sarin, Vice Chairman, Head and Neck Cancer Thyroid and Parathyroid Surgery, Cancer Care, Medanta, Gurugram)
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