Are you ready to retire and invest in your health? How to choose the right training method and save money.

Molly Stettner
Being active doesn't have to cost money
Retirees have more time to exercise, and we know that making it a habit can help them live longer, healthier lives.
But that doesn't mean they use their time wisely, shop smart and get the most out of every workout.
If you're ready to retire and invest in your fitness, prepare to be shocked: As you consider your options (swimming, pilates, pickleball, etc.), you'll be faced with information overload.
“There's so much information out there that it can be really confusing,” says Boston-based senior fitness expert Cindy Sullivan. “There's always new gimmicks and new products coming out.”
Living a long life is a top priority for the nation's 76 million baby boomers (born between 1946 and 1964), but only about a third of them exercise regularly.
This is creating a ripe market for fitness services for retirees. Firms raising capital to fund startups are sniffing the opportunity. Faster Capital, for example, recently released a report on “The Potential Benefits of Senior Fitness.”
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For older adults, the general guideline is at least 150 minutes per week of moderate-intensity aerobic activity, or 30 minutes per day, five days per week. Brisk walking is the easiest and cheapest example.
Doing strength-building exercises at least two days a week can help meet the basic recommendations from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Examples include weightlifting, sit-ups, and push-ups.
Before you begin exercising, consult with your doctor to customize a fitness plan that will take into account your current health and injury history.
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“Fitness recommendations can be overwhelming,” Sullivan said. “Some people might think they should walk 10,000 steps a day, but if they have knee problems that might not be good for them,” and it might prove difficult to stick to such a rigorous daily routine.
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Once your doctor gives you the go-ahead to exercise, take it step by step. Don't rush out to buy exercise equipment or join a fancy gym. Instead, try different workouts.
Try a free class first. Check with senior centers, community centers, recreation departments, and nonprofit organizations like the YMCA/YWCA. They may offer swimming, yoga, tai chi, and other group exercise. Programs like Silver Sneakers and Nifty after Fifty may be free or discounted depending on your insurance plan.
If you have a chronic condition such as high blood pressure or high cholesterol, your local hospital may offer wellness programs that address your needs, said Lynn Panton, a professor of exercise physiology at Florida State University.
“A lot of people think that to exercise you have to join a gym and spend a lot of money, but you don't have to spend a lot of money to be active,” Panton said. “Even just walking can help. Just 10 minutes walking in the morning, 10 minutes walking in the afternoon and 10 minutes walking in the evening can help control blood sugar levels in both diabetics and non-diabetics.”
For strength exercises, you don't need to buy hand or ankle weights (though a basic set can be purchased for under $25). You can save money by making your own weights using things like water bottles, rice bags, or tube socks filled with sand.
If you're thinking about joining a gym, look for discounts: Medicare Advantage plans that cover Silver Sneakers (or competing programs like UHC Renew Active) may even offer gym memberships for free, and if you're on traditional Medicare, see if they offer any fitness-related benefits, such as diabetes prevention group sessions.
If you don’t want to be surrounded by other retirees while exercising and would prefer to mingle with younger people, there are free or low-cost options, such as Volksmarching, a walking event suitable for all ages.
For Sharon Burke, the most important exercise for older adults is also the simplest: standing up from a seated position without using your hands or armrests.
“It's a program that focuses on balance and strength,” says Burke, founder and executive director of the Life Energy Foundation in Potomac, Md. “All you need is a chair.”
-Molly Stettner
This content was produced by MarketWatch, an operation of Dow Jones & Co. MarketWatch is published independently of Dow Jones Newswires and The Wall Street Journal.
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08-08-24 1632ET
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