Vaccinations your child needs and how to get them

- Within 14 days of the first day of school or daycare, parents must show proof of their child's current immunizations or provide a valid medical immunization exemption.
New York's back-to-school vaccination season has changed in recent years, highlighting the importance of staying up to date on the latest requirements and guidelines for 2024.
Much of the confusion comes as lawmakers are voicing concerns about religious or non-medical purposes. 2019 School Vaccine ExemptionsThis affected approximately 26,000 unvaccinated children, or 1% of the school children at the time.
The repeal also appears to have had an impact on new school vaccination plans. Authorities busted several New York health care providers this year for providing falsified school vaccination records. As the crackdown on fraud continues, thousands of children are falling victim to it.
At the same time, researchers are investigating how many parents are choosing to homeschool their children or moving out of New York rather than vaccinate them, and a recent study suggests that the elimination of non-medical exemptions may have caused as many as one-third of upstate New York schools to lose students.
Still, New York was one of only nine states that did not face an increase in school vaccination exemption rates during the pandemic, supporting the fact that eliminating non-medical exemptions has contributed to New York's overall improved school vaccination rates, federal data shows.
Here's what you need to know about vaccinations for New York schools, including expert tips on which vaccines kids should get and flu and COVID-19 vaccinations that are recommended but not required for students.
What vaccines are required in NYC schools?
Among the vaccines that will be mandatory for attending preschool, kindergarten, or preschool in 2024 are:
- Diphtheria-tetanus toxoid-containing vaccines and pertussis vaccine (DTaP or Tdap)
- Hepatitis B vaccine
- Measles, rubella, and mumps vaccine (MMR)
- Polio vaccine
- Chickenpox vaccine
Vaccine scams: Fake school vaccine scheme puts 1,500 New York kids at risk of serious disease
Additional vaccines required for middle and high schools:
- Tdap vaccine for grades 6-12
- Meningococcal Conjugate Vaccine for Students Grades 7-12 (MenACWY)
- Students in grade 12 will need to receive an additional booster dose of MenACWY after their 16th birthday.
Additional vaccines required for daycare and preschool:
- Haemophilus influenzae type b conjugate vaccine (HiB)
- Pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV)
What is the deadline for vaccinations in schools?
Within 14 days of the first day of school or childcare, parents must:
- Present proof of your child's current vaccinations, or
- Please present a valid medical vaccination exemption.
Health officials noted that unvaccinated or overdue children must receive at least the first dose of all required vaccines within the first 14 days to attend or remain in school or childcare, and any subsequent vaccines in that series must also be given within 14 days of the planned date of completing the vaccination series.
Vaccine Plan: Monroe County nurse falsified vaccination records for over 100 children
How to get school vaccinations in New York
Many health insurance plans cover the cost of vaccinations in schools, but officials urge New Yorkers to check with their health insurance company about potential costs before getting vaccinated.
The federally funded Vaccines for Children Program provides free vaccines to eligible uninsured or underinsured children. For more information about this program, call 1-800-543-7468 or contact us at: email address:.
Infection:COVID-19 cases rise in New York: What's in store for August and the new school year?
When should you get your child vaccinated for the flu or COVID-19 in 2024?
Experts recommend getting the flu and COVID-19 vaccines together every October for winter protection.
Health officials have recommended that everyone aged six months and older be vaccinated with the 2024-25 COVID-19 vaccine, which targets currently circulating variants and is due to be released in September.
But health officials have struggled to convince New Yorkers to get their children vaccinated against COVID-19, with only 98,000 children under 19, or 4%, receiving an improved version of the vaccine released last fall, according to state data.
Are vaccine exemptions in schools on the rise in the U.S.?
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported in November that vaccination rates in schools nationwide remained near 93% for the 2022-23 school year, but exemptions increased slightly to 3%.
The CDC noted that exemptions have increased in 41 states, with exemption rates exceeding 5% in 10 states, adding that rates above 5% increase the risk of vaccine-preventable disease outbreaks.
In New York state, the CDC survey found the number of exemptions remained steady, covering only a small fraction of schoolchildren statewide, and vaccine coverage among kindergarteners was about 97%, the survey found.
Vaccination rates in schools across New York state, excluding New York City, increased by about 5.5% in private schools and 1% in public schools in 2019, as non-medical exemptions were eliminated. Research from earlier this year The study was co-authored by Margaret Doll, associate professor of epidemiology at the Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences.
Research is still ongoing into how many parents have withdrawn their children from New York schools as a result of the repeal, said Doll, who is also co-author of a study that found the repeal may have caused enrollment changes in one-third of upstate New York schools.
How many deaths do childhood vaccines prevent?
The childhood vaccine program established in 1994 has been reported to prevent 1.13 million deaths, 32 million hospitalizations, and 508 million illnesses. A study published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention last week.
The program would have cost $268 billion, but the savings would amount to $2.9 trillion, the study said. In other words, for every $1 spent on vaccines, the country would save $11.
USA TODAY's Eduardo Cuevas contributed reporting.
David Robinson is a health reporter for the USA TODAY Network's New York state team. His more than 15-year investigative journalism career includes award-winning coverage of the opioid epidemic, hospital and nursing home abuse, health disparities, COVID-19 and emergency response failures.
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