Study finds lack of purpose may predict cognitive decline

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Feeling like you're drifting aimlessly through life or feeling like you've done everything there is to do can do more harm than having unfulfilling days. Brain damage.
The people who developed it Mild cognitive impairment Compared to cognitively normal participants, they reported lower levels of purpose in life and personal growth three and six years prior to diagnosis, respectively. The study published Tuesday Published in the Journal of Neurology Neurosurgery & Psychiatry. Mild cognitive impairmentDementia is a condition in which there is an early loss of memory and other cognitive abilities but the person retains the ability to carry out most activities of daily living independently, and is often a precursor to dementia.
The study “provides powerful evidence of changes in psychological health that can occur early in the development of cognitive impairment,” Dr. Angelina Sutin, a professor of behavioral and social medicine at the Florida State University College of Medicine, said in an email. Dr. Sutin, who was not involved in the study, said in an email that the study “provides powerful evidence of changes in psychological health that can occur early in the development of cognitive impairment.”
More 55 million Dementia is a leading cause of death affecting 2 million people worldwide, a figure that is expected to nearly triple by 2050. There is no cure for the disease, but the authors believe that the long period between the biological onset of the disease and the appearance of symptoms “may represent a critical window for implementing[interventions]to prevent or delay onset.”
Previously, poor psychological well-being has been linked to an increased risk of dementia, but it was unclear how well-being changes over the course of the disease and which aspects of well-being are most affected, the authors say. Knowing these answers could help. It may help manage risks and symptoms after diagnosis.
The research team used data from 910 cognitively normal older adults from the Illinois-based Rush Memory and Aging Project (MAP), an ongoing study that began in 1997. Beginning in 2008 and continuing for up to 14 years, participants (mostly women and whites) underwent annual assessments of their neurological, cognitive, medical, and psychological well-being. Psychological well-being was based on six dimensions: self-acceptance, autonomy, purpose in life, personal growth, positive relationships with others, and ability to manage their immediate environment.
Compared with cognitively normal participants, older adults who eventually developed cognitive impairment had a faster decline in psychological health and poorer health two years before diagnosis, suggesting that poor health, particularly a sense of purpose and personal growth, may be predictive of future cognitive impairment, the authors say.
Positive relationships with others declined more rapidly after diagnosis, but the rate of decline in other components of well-being remained the same pre- and post-diagnosis.
While “not surprising,” the study “highlights the importance of health not only as a way to prevent dementia but also as a possible warning sign of dementia if it worsens,” Dr. Glenn R. Finney, director of Geisinger's Memory and Cognition Program at Penn State, said in an email. Dr. Finney was not involved in the study.
Happiness and cognitive decline
The researchers said further research was needed, due in part to the study's lack of diversity and the fact that participants were volunteers from highly educated communities.
But “the findings are broadly similar to several other studies that have used more diverse samples, so we're not too concerned about these limitations,” Sutin said.
“Poor health can lead to cognitive impairment and vice versa. On the other hand, good health may reduce the impact of the Alzheimer's disease process on cognitive function and lower the risk of cognitive impairment and dementia,” the authors say. Good health may also be associated with lower levels of inflammatory cytokines and lower cardiovascular risk, which may reduce the risk of cognitive impairment.
But on the other hand, “neurodegenerative brain diseases like Alzheimer's can begin years or even decades before cognitive symptoms or signs appear, potentially deteriorating brain networks that maintain health and motivation, leading to lethargy and lack of motivation, in a vicious cycle,” Finney said. “This study suggests that this may occur before some cognitive changes are detected, even when we are actively monitoring for them.”
Participants' social lives declined after being diagnosed with MCI, but the study authors say this may be because MCI makes it harder to maintain social interactions.
Compared with cognitively normal participants, participants who developed cognitive impairment tended to be older, have a lower body mass index, and have poorer mental health. Participants diagnosed with dementia were older and more likely to carry the APOE ε4 allele, a gene that increases risk for Alzheimer's disease.
Staying healthy, finding purpose and continuing your personal growth are always important and generally make life better, but as we get older, in some ways these efforts are more important than ever, Finney said.
“Seeking social interaction “It's also about keeping your brain healthy and supporting your wellbeing, and finding ways to participate that are meaningful to you, and finding new ways to learn and grow as a person,” he added.
These activities can be mundane, Sutin says — they don't have to be novel or complicated to be useful or meaningful. They could include strategy games, advanced reading material, or even learning how to approach typical tasks more effectively. Alzheimer's Associationhas resources on how to maintain brain health. Formal education is another way to maintain cognitive and social skills, and some schools offer scholarships for older students.
You can also make new friends (or stay in touch with old ones) by joining a club, volunteering, or joining a local fitness group.
read more: Asking yourself, “What is the meaning of life?” may broaden your life's meaning.
If you're finding it hard to stay socially or mentally active, Finney recommends talking to your doctor about whether it could be a sign of a neurodegenerative disease.
“Proactively addressing risk factors can lower the risk of dementia, help people maintain function in the face of dementia, and help reverse at least some of the milder symptoms before dementia progresses,” he said.
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