Doctors discuss importance of vaccines as kids return to school
Austin, Texas – August is National Immunization Awareness Month, and the timing is perfect as the new school year began this week for many Central Texas school districts.
However, parents will need to make sure their children's vaccinations are up to date before sending them back to school.
FOX 7 Austin's Rebecca Thomas spoke with Dr. Frank Betansky, a family medicine physician at Baylor Scott & White Health, about the importance of getting vaccinated.
Rebecca: Dr. Betansky, most children are vaccinated by kindergarten, but if not, what vaccines are needed? And what about booster vaccinations for vaccinated students?
Dr. Bettany: Well, actually, there are six vaccines you need to go to school or kindergarten: DTap, which is diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough, and MMR, which is measles, mumps, rubella, hepatitis A, hepatitis B, polio, chickenpox, and varicella. In terms of booster shots, each of these six vaccines is in a series, which means there are five vaccines in DTap and two in MMR.
Rebecca: Around age 11, children usually need to get another booster shot along with several additional vaccines, including HPV. Why are they so important?
Dr. Bettany: The booster at age 11 contains three vaccines that prevent five diseases, including HPV. 85% of people will become infected with HPV, which can cause everything from finger warts to cervical cancer in women and throat cancer in both sexes.
Rebecca: According to the CDC, the U.S. has seen a surge in measles cases this year. As of August 8, there have been 211 cases so far this year, compared to 59 cases overall last year. Of those, 87% were unvaccinated. How concerned are you about this?
Dr. Bettany: “It's pretty worrying. Measles cases are on the rise in Texas. But the really most important thing to take away from this is that measles is a completely vaccine-preventable disease.”
Rebecca: When it comes to vaccinations, the latest Gallup poll found a sharp decline in adults who think childhood vaccinations are important: Only 26% of Republicans say childhood vaccinations are extremely important, compared with 93% of Democrats. How concerned are you about the seeming politicization of the vaccination topic?
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Dr. Bettany: Absolutely. It's completely normal to have questions, big and small, about vaccines. And what you really need is an open and honest conversation with your doctor about what's right for your family and any concerns, big or small.
Rebecca: There's a lot of misinformation out there that links childhood vaccinations to autism. What would you say to people who are concerned about these claims, or who think there are too many vaccines or too close together? What are your thoughts?
Dr. Bettany: The mythical link between autism and vaccines has been completely debunked. That's not really a problem. But what does matter is that 22% of parents either don't vaccinate at all, or space them out and don't follow the normal schedule. And that puts their children at risk for very preventable diseases with very serious complications, and puts parents at risk for sleepless nights.
Rebecca: Finally, with flu and COVID seasons coming up soon, should students get flu and COVID vaccinations?
Dr. Bettany: Yes, that's true. COVID-19 and flu vaccinations are recommended for all school-age children. They're the first line of defense to keep kids in school, keep them learning, and keep us all safe through the year ahead.
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