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The majority of black men believe that racism plays a role in their lack of access to prostate cancer testing. prostate cancer

The majority of black men believe that racism plays a role in their lack of access to prostate cancer testing. prostate cancer
The majority of black men believe that racism plays a role in their lack of access to prostate cancer testing. prostate cancer


Almost two-thirds (62%) of black people in the UK will not test themselves or a loved one for prostate cancer due to racial discrimination, despite black men being twice as likely to develop prostate cancer as a whole The survey revealed that many people believe that they will not be able to receive the test. Adult male population.

The PSA test measures the level of prostate-specific antigen protein in the blood and may detect prostate cancer in its early stages.

However, according to some people, investigation A survey of 2,000 black adults in the UK conducted by Prostate Cancer Research found that 24% of those who said they or a loved one had requested a PSA test in the past year had not had one. When asked why they were unable to get tested, 32% said it was because their doctor either refused the test or said it was not necessary.

The National Institute of Clinical Excellence (Nice) currently does not recommend screening for prostate cancer, stating that routine PSA testing “may result in too many false positives and false negatives, and may result in unnecessary and invasive testing. “There is a possibility that unnecessary treatment may be performed.”

The survey of 1,000 black women and 1,000 black men found just under half (47%) believed they would receive the same level of care from the state. NHS As a white person. When asked whether they believe racism has prevented them or a loved one from getting regular prostate cancer screening, 62% of respondents said yes.

The report also found that 84% of black people think more medical research should include black people. A similar number (83%) agreed that more black people should participate in medical research, and 73% said the situation would improve if that happened.

Black men in the UK are at higher risk of developing prostate cancer than other men. One in four black men will be diagnosed with the disease, compared to one in eight men overall.

Each year, more than 1 million men worldwide are diagnosed with this disease. The chance of survival is relatively high, especially if diagnosed early, with 78% of men surviving more than 10 years after diagnosis. Many people can live for decades without symptoms or needing treatment.

Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men in the UK, with 55,100 new cases. every year, according to Cancer Research UK.

Oliver Kemp, Chief Prostate Cancer Research Officer, said: “These black-and-white numbers are shocking and an important call to action. It’s not just communities who have to solve this problem. We’re proud to see community members rallying behind our Real Talk campaign. As we have seen, we are calling on the Government, the NHS and other partners to come together and work together to close this health gap.

“It is important to raise awareness not only in the local community, but also among health workers and policy makers. We are calling on GPS We urge the government to keep in mind the greater risk for black men when considering PSA testing and introduce testing for men in high-risk groups. Our data show that 82% of black men would be willing to participate in such a program if it were implemented. Outside. It's amazing to think how many lives will be saved. ”

This article was amended on September 27, 2024. In an earlier version, the prostate cancer research report said it found that “one in four black men in the UK” were “refused to be tested for prostate cancer by their GP”. This was a finding that was not supported by the underlying findings and was therefore removed. The text has also been revised to note that the report looked at 1,000 black men and 1,000 black women, not “2,000 black men.” Adds additional background on Nice guidelines for prostate cancer screening.




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