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Hurricane Helen flooding poses multiple health risks. Here's what you need to know:

Hurricane Helen flooding poses multiple health risks. Here's what you need to know:
Hurricane Helen flooding poses multiple health risks. Here's what you need to know:


hurricane helen The aftermath of heavy rains and flooding not only causes property damage, but also poses a significant health and safety risk, leaving residents in the path of the storm stranded and potentially exposed to waterborne diseases and other hazards. .

The number of people linked to the storm is decreasing as authorities rush to airlift supplies, restore power and clear roads. The death toll exceeded 100 Beyond the southeast.

in Desolate city of AshevilleNorth Carolina rescuer Megan Dry watched as her 7-year-old son, Micah, and his parents were swept away by the floodwaters. They became stranded on the roof when it collapsed into the water.

Dr. Shoshanna Ungerleider, an internist, told CBS News that vulnerable populations such as the elderly, children and people with pre-existing conditions are especially at risk from flood-related risks.

But experts say there are a number of health risks to be aware of when it comes to flooding. There are some things to note here.

Drowning, injury, and illness caused by floods

Even if you're an expert swimmer, fast-moving floodwaters can quickly sweep away anyone or anything in its path.

“Unfortunately, we're seeing a trend on social media of people dancing or diving headfirst into the floodwaters of Hurricane Helen,” said Peter Duncanson, a disaster expert at ServiceMaster Restore. It added that it highlighted the dangers associated with flooding.

In addition to the water itself being dangerous, Duncanson said floodwaters can also hide downed power lines and open manholes and drainage ditches. Floodwaters can carry not only rodents and snakes, but also harmful debris such as glass and metal that can lead to injury.

Additionally, there are invisible dangers such as pathogens.

“Our main concern is with so-called 'enteric pathogens,' which are the same types of bacteria that cause food poisoning, such as certain strains of E. coli, salmonella, rubella, and yersinia. We are also concerned about norovirus and hepatitis A. Dr. Daniel KritkesThe head of infectious diseases at Brigham and Women's Hospital told CBS News.

If your drinking water becomes contaminated, Kritskes said, only drink bottled (or boiled) water until local authorities say it's safe.

“Remember that you need clean water to wash fruits and vegetables. If you cannot ensure a safe water supply, peel or cook them before eating,” he said. .

Dr. Robert Glatter, an emergency physician at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York City, says open wounds and rashes exposed to floodwater can also become infected. previously told CBS News.

Avoid direct contact with flood water by wearing gloves and waterproof clothing whenever possible, and avoid walking barefoot in flood water.

“Water-soaked feet can lead to infections, such as fungal infections between the toes,” says Glatter. “Wear tall boots and keep your feet as dry as possible.”

Health effects beyond flooding

Once the water recedes, mold becomes another big problem that causes asthma, difficulty breathing, watery eyes and allergy-type symptoms, said Dr. Peggy Duggan, executive vice president and chief medical officer. Tampa General Hospital.

“That's why it's important to remove all furniture and items, not just the drywall, to reduce the risk of mold,” Duggan said.

Glatter said carpets and fabric furniture should not be recalled.

“Bacteria can leach into the fabric and cause airborne infections,” he says. “We don't recommend holding onto anything made of fabric that absorbs flood water.”

Mold can appear within just 24 to 48 hours after floodwaters recede.

Experts say power outages and loss of air conditioning equipment are also health risks that need to be taken into consideration.

“Loss of power or air conditioning can increase the risk for patients with chronic conditions such as asthma, COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease), cardiovascular disease, and heart failure,” Duggan said.

Mental health after Hurricane Helen

It's not just physical health that is affected by hurricane damage. Mental health is another concern.

“Surviving Hurricane Helen can have a huge impact on your mental health,” says Courtney Morgan, a licensed therapist and founder of Louisville, Kentucky-based Mental Health Therapy. unconditional counselinghe told CBS News.

Feelings of fear, hopelessness and isolation can occur during or after a hurricane or other natural disaster, she said.

“In these disasters, many people lost everything, even their homes and loved ones. Grief is difficult to experience regardless of the situation. But trying to overcome grief in the midst of a natural disaster is difficult. It's very difficult to do because it's something you don't usually have experience with.''Additionally, you may feel survivor's guilt if you learn that someone else has lost their life,'' Morgan said. spoke.

Ungerleider said post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and anxiety are mental health concerns that often emerge after such devastating events.

“During a natural disaster crisis, prioritizing your mental health is critical to your overall well-being and resilience. First, it's important to recognize and manage your stress response early,” she said. , added some suggestions to support your mental health.

  • Try to maintain routine as much as possible to “create stability in chaos.”
  • Stay connected with loved ones when possible (virtually or in-person) to provide emotional support and reduce feelings of isolation.
  • If your symptoms are severe, such as persistent anxiety, depression, or sleep problems, seek professional help from your mental health provider, she added.

contributed to this report.




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