'Game-changer' sleep study could help millions of Australians suffering from chronic pain
Jessie Luo enjoys spending time at the beach with family and friends, but for the past eight years, the 23-year-old has had to learn to “just live with” her chronic shoulder pain, which has disrupted her daily routine. Life is becoming more difficult.
“I always had pain in my neck and shoulders, especially on my right side,” she says.
“The pain can go up or down depending on what you do.”
The college graduate has yet to find an answer to the cause of her pain. Experts say this problem is very common.
For at least 3.4 million Australians, chronic pain is considered 'normal life'. Many people are in financial trouble and are in desperate need of a reprieve.
Ms Luo said she had constant tingling pain in her shoulder, which meant she wasn't sleeping well.
“It affects my overall mood and functioning,” she says.
Luo will now work as a research assistant in a human study aimed at “digging deeper” into how sleep affects pain.
Dr David Klein, from the University of Queensland (UQ), who carried out the study, said sleep deprivation and chronic pain coexist in up to 90 per cent of cases.
“This study is innovative in the sense that it seeks to understand exactly whether and how sleep affects pain, particularly chronic pain.”
He said that while it was previously understood that pain affected people's sleep, researchers now believe the opposite is true.
“Poor sleep quality can stimulate the nervous and immune systems, increasing pain and potentially promoting the development of chronic pain,” he says.
“To develop appropriate sleep treatments to relieve pain, we need to be confident that this is the case.
“Does sleep really affect pain?”
He said chronic pain is one of the “biggest health problems” in modern society.
“It affects one in three people worldwide,” he said.
“It causes more damage than heart disease and cancer combined.”
Chronic Pain Australia (CPA) estimates that the annual cost to the Australian economy is around $70 billion, which could rise to $215.6 billion by 2050.
2023 for CPAs National pain survey They reported a lack of recognition and support from employers, government, and the broader public.
It discovered the following:
- 49% of respondents I was thinking of taking my own life because of their pain
- 76% had mental health issues related to living with pain
- 45 percent reported Self-medication with harmful substances to manage their pain
- 65% felt socially isolated
Research to monitor sleep
As part of the study, about 50 participants with chronic pain will be fitted with sleep monitors in their homes for eight days.
“I think you'll find that people with chronic pain have a specific immune response that interacts with the nervous system to influence pain,” Dr. Klein says.
Researchers use headsets to monitor brain activity.
“Some days I'm going to let them sleep as usual, and other days I'm going to manipulate their sleep,” he says.
“make [the sleep] It's short and messy.
“We look for the presence of certain immune factors in an individual's blood.”
He believes the findings could change the way doctors and clinicians treat people with chronic pain.
“The impact is not only on individuals with chronic pain problems, but also on their families and society,” he says.
For Jesse Luo, a discovery that helps end chronic pain could be life-changing.
“I had no idea that improving my sleep would also improve my pain,” she says.
“I know a lot of people with chronic pain who just live with the pain and get used to it.”
The study results are expected to be published by the end of next year.
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