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Patients with cardiovascular disease want more guidance on sexual health

Patients with cardiovascular disease want more guidance on sexual health


A new study presented at the American Heart Association's (AHA) 2024 Scientific Sessions finds that patients with cardiovascular disease want more guidance about sexual health from their health care teams, and they are asking for more It points out that there are discrepancies between the information and the information normally provided.1

Sexual health is a broad term, but it has a huge impact on your overall health and well-being. According to the World Health Organization, sexual health impacts the development of individuals, families, and broader communities and countries.2

Couple talking to pharmacist | Photo Couple talking to pharmacist Image credit: © Chinnapong |

Additionally, sexual health has a huge impact on your broader physical health. According to the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, research suggests that women who report having satisfying sex lives with men who have sex at least twice a week are less likely to have a heart attack. These protective effects can be attributed to the fact that sex is a form of exercise that helps strengthen the heart, lower blood pressure, reduce stress, and improve sleep.3

But importantly, patients with cardiovascular disease often have questions about safe sex. A study of 133 Swedish older adults aged 30 to 89 (mean age 65) with high blood pressure, irregular heart rhythms, heart failure, or previous heart attack found that they had access to sexual health information. I was asked about its relationship with the heart. health. Recruitment took place through patient organizations, clinical outpatient departments, and social media.1

Research shows that topics patients want to talk about include medication side effects (60%), erectile dysfunction (50%), impact on relationships (47%), anxiety before sex (35%), and for women was found to include pain during sex. Gender (13%) In particular, patients most preferred having a conversation with a healthcare professional (79%) and/or receiving information from different sources and at different times (43%).1

Importantly, there was a large discrepancy between the information patients needed and the information they received. The survey found that 78% of respondents wanted information about sexual health, but only 5% received the information. Additionally, 76% of respondents said their sexual health affects their mood and well-being, and men were more likely than women to want information about their sexual health (87% vs. 64%).1

Additionally, 65% of men believe heart disease affects their sexual health, while 35% of women said the same.1

“It was surprising to us that so many people with heart disease feel that their heart disease actually affects their sexual health. “We've known for a while that it's not something that's routinely discussed,” said Dr. Tiny Jaarsma, a professor of nursing at the university. A man from Linköping, Sweden, said in a news release. “There is not much information published specifically for heart patients. People may also be concerned about the reliability of many Internet information sources.”1

Community pharmacists are playing an increasing role in sexual and reproductive health services and can provide reliable information to patients. A review of 41 studies found that providing sexual and reproductive health services through pharmacists is not only feasible but can also improve access for vulnerable and high-risk groups. Patients were also very receptive to pharmacist counseling, and the intervention was highly valued and accepted. But researchers noted that integration into daily workflows, policy and regulation, pharmacist reimbursement, and cost to patients all pose barriers.4

“I believe that medical professionals need to change their standards for patients to make discussion of sexual health a standard and honorable topic in medical practice,” Jarsma said in a news release. . “This way, all people with heart disease would be able to receive information about their sexual health, or at least be encouraged to seek information about their sexual health. Have you received the necessary information?” Are you eating a healthy diet? Are you exercising? ” Like other health concerns, sexual health should be a topic of daily discussion. ”1

Currently, AHA recommendations suggest that people who have experienced a heart attack or have been diagnosed with heart disease or stroke should consult a medical professional before resuming sexual activity .1

1. Let's talk about sex: Heart patients want guidance from medical professionals. News release. American Heart Association. November 11, 2024. Accessed November 14, 2024. =true
2. Sexual health. World Health Organization. Accessed November 14, 2024.
3. Is sex dangerous if you have heart disease? Johns Hopkins Medicine. Accessed November 14, 2024. %20Men%20Who , %20reduces stress%20 and improves sleep%20
4. Navarrete J, Yuksel N, Schindel TJ, Hughes CA. Sexual and reproductive health services provided by community pharmacists: A scoping review. BMJ open. 2021;11(7):e047034. doi:10.1136/bmjoopen-2020-047034




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