Experts warn: Stroke in young people is preventable and reversible | Nagpur News

At a medical conference held in Nagpur on Sunday, Dr Subhash Kaur, a senior neurologist from Secunderabad, highlighted the role of lifestyle in triggering stress. Stroke at a young age“The lifestyle of young people is the cause of juvenile stroke. Smoking habits at a young age are a major cause. Smoking addiction is on the decline worldwide, but in India it is on the rise, affecting both boys and girls alike. addicted to various forms of smoking,'' Dr. Kaul said.
he, healthy lifestyle And regular exercise can significantly reduce your risk of stroke. “Obesity has become the new pandemic,” he added, pointing to sedentary habits among young people.
The event, titled 'Latest Updates on Acute Ischemic Stroke: From Casualty to Rehabilitation', was organized by the Indian Medical Association (Vidarbha Chapter) and Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Health Organization (BAHO).
Padma Shri award-winning neurologist Dr. Chandrashekhar Meshram sheds light on the serious effects of stroke-induced disorders. “Stroke is a leading cause of disability worldwide, significantly reducing the quality of life not only for patients but also for their families. Stress is a major cause of stroke in young people. Stress management and “A healthy lifestyle is extremely important,” he said. .
The importance of timely medical assistance was emphasized by event organizer Dr. Satish Lahoti. “To minimize the effects of a stroke, it is important to go to the hospital right away. To do this, the public needs to be aware of the symptoms of a stroke.”. “Our association is committed to raising awareness about early detection of stroke,” he said. At a public forum held alongside the conference, hundreds of participants learned about stroke prevention and management.
Dr. Abhishek Shrivastav, Senior Neurorehabilitation Consultant, discussed the comprehensive impact of stroke while highlighting the advances in rehabilitation. “Stroke not only affects the movement of limbs, but also impairs 10 different aspects of life, including language, vision, reflexes, and mental abilities. There are currently drugs and treatments that address all of these issues. “There is,” he said.
Elaborating on the role of technology in recovery, Dr. Shrivastav said, “Robot-assisted rehabilitation is a promising field. It can help reverse all the effects of stroke, not just the physical disability.” He also encouraged stroke survivors, saying recovery is possible no matter how long the time has passed since the incident. “Many people believe that there is no improvement after three months, but neuroplasticity shows that recovery can occur even after six months to two years. Stroke survivors should not lose hope. ' he added.
# Adopt a healthy lifestyle
Stroke at a young age can be prevented by: Lifestyle changes quitting smoking and regular exercise, etc.
Timely medical intervention can minimize the effects of stroke
With advanced treatments, stroke recovery is possible even after months or years
Robot-assisted rehabilitation transforms stroke treatment
A healthy lifestyle prevents stroke and improves overall health.
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