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Vitamin D Deficiency in India: India has an abundance of sunshine, but why do people become vitamin D deficient?Mistakes to avoid |

Vitamin D Deficiency in India: India has an abundance of sunshine, but why do people become vitamin D deficient?Mistakes to avoid |


India has an abundance of sunlight, so why are people deficient in vitamin D? mistakes to avoid

Despite India's abundance of sunlight, an alarmingly high percentage of the population suffers from vitamin D deficiency. This stems from a variety of factors such as lifestyle choices, environmental reasons, and habits.
Exposure to sunlight is very important because it allows your skin to produce vitamin D, an essential nutrient for strong bones, a strong immune system, and overall health. When UVB rays interact with the skin, sunlight triggers the synthesis of vitamin D, making it a natural and efficient source of this important vitamin. Beyond producing vitamin D, sunlight boosts mental health by stimulating the release of serotonin, a hormone that boosts mood and fights stress. depression. It also helps regulate your body clock and improve your sleep quality. Exposure to even a few minutes of sunlight each day promotes physical and mental health.

Cohort study conducted in South India in May 2024 reveals prevalence and patterns of vitamin D deficiency and its role in cognitive function

a cohort study A paper published in the journal Scientific Reports found that the adult population in urban areas in southern India is generally deficient in vitamin D. “Similar results were observed in a previous study conducted in northern India, where high levels of vitamin D deficiency (91.2%) were reported in a healthy adult population aged 50 and above,” the researchers said. say: The researchers said that the prevalence of vitamin D deficiency ranges from 50 to 94 percent, as reported by several community-based studies on vitamin D in India.

A case-control study conducted at PK Das Institute of Medical Sciences in Kerala earlier this year

a case control study Researchers found that 50 women aged 30 to 34 who had suffered from back pain for more than three months had low vitamin D levels. Vitamin D deficiency was diagnosed when the vitamin D concentration was less than 20 ng/mL, which was found in 74% of cases and 48% of controls. Therefore, women aged 30 to 40 years who complain of chronic LBP may consider vitamin D supplementation. The researchers also suggested that patients with such symptoms should have their vitamin D levels measured and follow-up in a similar manner.
Here are some common reasons why Indians are deficient in this essential nutrient.

people don't spend time outside

Even in lands with plenty of sunlight, most Indians do not spend enough time outdoors. Urbanization and indoor lifestyles have led many people to spend most of their day indoors, whether at home, office, or school. And even if you do go outside, do it in the early morning or late evening hours, when levels of UVB radiation, which is essential for vitamin D synthesis, are very low.

skin color

People with dark skin, which is common among Indians, tend to have a reduced ability to synthesize vitamin D. The presence of melanin, which protects against harmful UV rays, indicates that people with darker skin need vitamin D for a significantly longer period of time. Sun exposure is necessary to produce the same amount of vitamin D that people with lighter skin can produce in a shorter time frame.

eating habits

Foods rich in vitamin D are not an important part of the traditional Indian diet. Fatty fish, egg yolks, and fortified foods are good sources, but they are consumed in small amounts or are not staple foods for many Indians. Vegetarianism is common in India for cultural and religious reasons, further limiting dietary vitamin D intake.

air pollution

Air pollution in many Indian cities blocks sunlight and reduces UVB radiation reaching the ground. High levels of particulate matter in the air act as a barrier, making it difficult for people in polluted areas to get enough vitamin D from sunlight.

Common mistakes to avoid to get more vitamin D from sunlight

Understand the role of sunlight
Many people underestimate the importance of direct sunlight in vitamin D synthesis. It's important to spend time outdoors in the sun, especially between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m., when UVB radiation is at its peak. However, using too much sunscreen or staying in shady areas can negate its effectiveness. Balance is key. Expose your unprotected skin for 10 to 30 minutes several times a week, depending on your skin tone and location.

Some people stay indoors during peak sunlight hours or expose only a small portion of their skin to sunlight. To effectively expose yourself to the sun, you need to expose larger areas of skin, such as your arms and legs. Spending time outdoors at optimal times significantly increases vitamin D synthesis.
use vitamin d supplements
People with limited exposure to sunlight, especially city dwellers and older adults, often do not take vitamin D supplements. Regular check-ups and taking supplements as prescribed by your doctor will help maintain optimal levels. Commercially available supplements should be taken with caution to avoid overdosing.

How to maximize sun exposure

  • Get 10 to 30 minutes of sunlight, preferably at midday. During this period, expose larger areas of skin, such as your arms and legs, without sunscreen. Use sunscreen after sufficient exposure to prevent skin damage.
  • During outdoor activities, choose thin, sun-friendly clothing to maximize skin exposure.
  • Add foods such as fortified milk, cereals, mushrooms, egg yolks, and fatty fish to your diet. Vegetarians can focus on fortified plant-based alternatives.
  • If you are lacking in sunlight or diet, consult your doctor and consider taking supplements.
  • Check the air quality in your area. Choose outdoor activities in cleaner environments or take supplements if pollution is severe.
  • Test your vitamin D levels regularly, especially if you are in a high-risk group, such as the elderly, people with dark skin, or people living in polluted cities.




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