Heart failure patients are more susceptible to inflammation caused by air pollution

Top Shot – People walk on a road near India Gate in thick smog in New Delhi on February 22. … [+]
Toxic air quality affects everyone. However, some people are more vulnerable to the health effects of air pollution than others. One group is people with heart disease. Breathing in tiny air pollutants can damage blood vessels over time, making them narrower and harder. It also places a heavy burden on the heart muscle, which continues to work for long hours to supply oxygen. Recent research has provided further evidence that people with heart disease, and more specifically heart failure, are extremely vulnerable to inflammation caused by air pollution.
Researchers found that when heart failure patients are exposed to air pollution, they experience inflammation in two biomarkers: CCL27 (CC motif chemokine ligand 27) and IL-18 (interleukin 18). However, no changes occurred in these biomarkers in people without heart disease.
“These biomarkers rose in response to air pollution in people who already had heart disease, but not in patients without heart disease. This may be because heart failure patients are less sensitive to changes in their environment. It shows an inability to adapt,” Principal Benjamin Horne said. study researchers and Intermountain Health research professors said in a press release.
“It is important that people with known heart disease, including those diagnosed with heart failure, should be especially careful during periods of poor air quality. This includes exercising indoors; This includes making sure to take prescribed medications and avoiding areas with high traffic or pollution, such as roads and highways, Horn added.
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Horn and his team analyzed blood and other biological samples from 44 patients with heart failure and 35 people without heart disease. They drew blood from study participants on days when air pollution levels were low. They defined low air pollution as levels of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) in the air below 7 micrograms per cubic meter (μg/m3). The researchers also took blood samples from study participants on days when PM2.5 levels rose to 20 μg/m or higher. Levels of air pollution have increased primarily during wildfires that occur in the summer and during colder days when air pollutants tend to become trapped in the lower atmosphere as warm hair brings pollutants closer to the ground. .
Researchers took multiple blood samples at different times of the year and studied 115 proteins present in human blood that indicate increased inflammation in the body.
“These findings provide information about the mechanisms in which heart failure patients experience inflammation and suggest that healthy individuals have a lower ability to respond to acute inflammation,” Horn further explained in a press release. .
The findings were presented at the American Heart Association's 2024 Scientific Sessions International Conference in Chicago on November 16, 2024.
Epidemiologists estimate that as of 2020, the global prevalence of heart failure was over 64 million people. “The most common cause of heart failure is ischemic heart disease (42.3% of all cases), followed by chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (37.0%), mitral valve disease, and valvular heart disease (4.3%). aortic valvular disease (3.4%), rheumatic heart disease (3.0%), myocarditis (2.6%), and endocarditis (1.4%),” the researchers said. AME Medical Journal.
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