Benefits of moderate coffee intake

A comprehensive review highlights the complex relationship between coffee intake and cardiovascular disease, exploring potential health benefits, bioactive compounds, and the need for further research.
study: Coffee and cardiovascular health: A review of the literature. Image credit: Natasha Kovtun /
In a recent review published in nutrientsresearchers are investigating the effects of coffee consumption on cardiovascular disease (CVD).
Increase in cardiovascular disease
CVD is the leading cause of death worldwide, causing more than 17 million deaths each year. Researchers estimate that up to 23.6 million people will die from CVD by 2030.
CVD includes a number of conditions, including aortic disease, stroke, and coronary heart disease. There are several factors that increase the risk of developing CVD. These include lifestyle factors such as unhealthy diet, smoking, and sedentary behavior, as well as health conditions such as high blood pressure, dyslipidemia, obesity, and high cholesterol.
Diet plays an important role in the prevention and management of CVD. Healthy eating patterns, such as the Mediterranean diet and the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet, both include high intakes of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, healthy fats, and lean protein. , has been shown to improve lipid profiles and lower blood flow. lower the pressure, reduce inflammationreduce the risk of CVD.
coffee benefits
Recent studies have shown that coffee is associated with a number of health benefits, including reduced mortality and risk of developing cardiovascular disease, and improved cardiovascular health. Included. Despite these observations, it remains unclear whether these effects are produced by both caffeinated and decaffeinated coffee.
Some studies have also reported that coffee consumption may lower blood pressure. However, this relationship is complex. For example, certain studies have identified non-linear effects, with moderate intakes of 3 to 5 cups daily appearing to be most beneficial, whereas very low or high intakes may have no effect or have harmful effects. It may even be possible.
Previous randomized controlled trials (RCTs) have investigated the effects of coffee on CVD. However, many of these studies focus on individual ingredients, such as caffeine. These studies have additional limitations, such as small sample sizes and diverse methodologies, which prevent researchers from making definitive conclusions. Furthermore, while some trials found no effects, others observed increases in blood pressure and decreases in blood lipids.
Potential underlying mechanisms
Coffee is a complex beverage containing a variety of bioactive compounds that can affect health in many ways. Although most studies have focused on the cardiovascular effects of caffeine found in coffee, many other compounds such as chlorogenic acid (CGA), diterpenes, and trigonelline may also be involved in this effect. .
CGA is a polyphenol that may have cardiovascular benefits, including lowering blood pressure and improving arterial function. Although CGA has low bioavailability, its effects may be mediated by the nitric oxide pathway or modulation of the gut microbiota.
Diterpenes, such as cafestol and kahweol, are primarily found in unfiltered coffee and can raise cholesterol levels. For example, cafestol may affect cholesterol metabolism by affecting the activity of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) receptors. Trigonelline, in small amounts, is an antioxidant and may have positive effects on heart health.
The concentration of bioactive compounds in coffee varies depending on factors such as the coffee bean variety, such as Arabica or Robusta, cultivation conditions such as altitude and sunlight, and preparation methods such as extraction time, temperature, and filtration. For example, Robusta beans contain more caffeine and CGA than Arabica beans, while coffee grown at high altitudes generally contains more CGA.
Commercial processes such as roasting and decaffeination also affect the levels of bioactive compounds. Roasting reduces CGA and trigonelline, but stabilizes caffeine levels. Brewing methods, such as using espresso or boiling coffee, can also affect the extraction of compounds such as diterpenes and caffeine.
Caffeine, the most studied of the bioactive compounds found in coffee, is metabolized in the liver and its effects on cardiovascular health are debated. Although moderate caffeine intake is generally considered safe and does not increase the risk of heart disease, it may increase blood pressure levels in the short term, especially in sensitive people. There is a gender. However, regular intake may not have lasting effects on blood pressure or cardiovascular risk.
Overall, the health effects of coffee are complex and depend on a variety of factors, making it difficult to draw definitive conclusions about coffee's effects on cardiovascular health. Observational evidence supports moderate coffee intake to maintain cardiovascular health, but more rigorous studies are needed to confirm causality and clarify the effects of coffee on cardiovascular disease and its underlying mechanisms. requires a well-designed RCT.
Reference magazines:
- Farage, A., Akeredolu, T., Wijeysekera, A., and Mills, C. E. (2024). Coffee and cardiovascular health: A review of the literature. nutrients. doi:10.3390/nu16244257
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